Monday, May 12, 2008

My Monday Blues Starts on Sunday!

I was wondering why I felt so 'blue' yesterday (Sunday)... So much so that I told Gaby that I'm not happy and need a hug from him. So he gave me a big bear hug and lots of kisses and told me that he loves me... and after that, he asked me 'Mummy, you happy now?' how can i say no.

Could it be because I couldn't find a carpark lot at the multi-storey carpark when i went training?

Could it be that I forgot to lock the car door... only to realise it when i reached the ground floor of the no-lift-multi-storey carpark?

Could it be that Junior poo poo at the multi-storey carpark... and i had so much to carry with me that it was such a hassle picking up the poo and cleaning his bum?

Could it be that the weather was so hot?

Could it be that I didn't get any Mother's Day presents?

Hmm... ...And now it's Monday and I'm still feeling a little blue...

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