Friday, April 20, 2007

Down with one

Haizzz... what an eventful week!

We are counting down to moving our stuff from the AMK flat end of next week. So this week I have been taking half-day afternoon leaves so that I can be home to do the packing. But it has been quite a busy week since all the bosses are in town. I only got to leave the office at about 4pm on Tue, 3pm on Wed and 2pm yesterday. At least the timings of me leaving is improving!

I have been having this cough that doesn't seem to go away for about 2 weeks so I thought better go see a doctor since the doggy competition is coming and i dun want my cough to affect my performance on that day. Doctor adviced me to stay away from dusty places, stop have food / drinks that will trigger the cough, drink more water, etc... how am i able to stay away from dusty places? My AMK flat is a very dusty place now!

And to make matter worst, Mr Lee dislocated his elbow last evening at the soccer match! I was with him at A&E till midnite. There no need for him to be hospitalised but with his condition, he can't help with the packing anymore...


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Going for a walk

Today Poofie was a bit down becos everyone was getting ready to go out and nobody seems to be getting him ready... so he was a bit sulky. He managed to use his sulky face and got mum to "pity" him so she decided to bring him down for a walk while Gaby goes to the park... But it was a bit of "mah fun" to try to push the stroller and hold the leash at the same time... this is what happened in the end.