Monday, August 04, 2008

My new world

I always tell people around me that my mobile phone is my whole world. I have to depend on it to wake me up every morning, remind me of all the important dates, acting as my clock whenever I don't have my watch, and the most important thing is, keeping in touch with all my dear friends! I can't remember my home and office telephone numbers so how can I go anyway without it??

But the old phone has been giving a lots of problems lately, I think it's not lately, but ever since the Chitty Chitty. So I have been complaining to Mr Lee about it ever since. But I am so lazy to get a new one becos I am too lazy to transfer the data from one phone to another.

Mr Lee came home with a nice surprise on the weekends. He got me a new phone. And he also helped me transfer all the data from the old phone to the new one! How sweet right? So now all I have to do is to get used to using this new one. And hopefully, this one will last me a long time.

Thank you Mr Lee, love u deep deep!

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