Friday, April 18, 2008

What went wrong??

Today was supposed to be a happy day for both Gaby and myself... but...

Both of us have been looking forward to today cos it'll be our first school trip together. We have been talking about it since day one when we sign up for this school excursion to Sentosa. Gaby is very excited about taking the school bus and going to Sentosa with all his xiao peng you (little friends).

Both of us woke up early today. I didn't have time for breakfast or even a drink becos got to get Gaby ready ie brush teeth, take his medicine and vitamins, pump milk...

By the time we were in school, I am starting to feel a little hungry. And Gaby starts to cling onto me... "ma ma carry" is the verse that i hear all the time through out the day.

I tried to remain calm and control my temper thru' out the whole trip. Even it means that I have to carry him all the time. He just refused to walk at all. Some of the parents, teachers and even the principal asked him why he didn't want to walk and ma ma have to carry all the time... didn't help...

I tong until 11am and i think he is also quite tired by then. He got very gruchy and I nearly lost it. So told his form teacher that we'll make a move first on our own. Took a taxi back in the end. I was almost breaking down when I'm at the taxi stand waiting for the taxi. Never had I expect today to be so unhappy... for me... not very sure if he is happy or not...

What went wrong leh???

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