Wednesday, April 15, 2009


This clip was taken some weeks ago... he is more accurate in the signs now...

Here's another update on Alexius. He still doesn't want to 'talk' much. But he is able to say "ma ma" whenever he sees me or whenever he wants me. So I think dun have to teach him to sign *ma ma*.

But these days, he is able to sign better. *thank you*, *please*, *eat*, *more*, *milk* and *bye bye*. Yesterday I tried *water* with him but i think it'll be too difficult for him for now... So perhaps I will teach him *drink* instead.

Although he doesn't know the right sign for telephone, but he will put his fist over his ear whenever he mean telephone. Few days ago, I left him in his cot and my phone on my bed and went into the kitchen to get my pump funnel. When I went back into the room, he was putting his fist over his ear and looking at me. I didn't know what he meant, thinking that he wanted to play with my phone. When I settled down to get ready to pump my milk, I took a look at my phone and realised that there was a missed call. Then I realised that Alexius was trying to tell me that my phone has been ringing when I was out of the room!

Also, i think i better teach him *sorry* soon cos it's not fair that Gaby has to say sorry all the time to Alexius and give in to him. It's time that Alexius should learn how to say sorry when he does something wrong.

Gaby on the other hand seems to get quite interested in signing again. Last nite he came to me and signed pain and then pointed to his head. So I asked him why is his head painful. And he told me that he bumped his head while trying to take his bolster. Anyway, he has refreshed his memory on those signs that we taught him before and he is also trying to teach them to Alexius.

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