Friday, April 17, 2009

And the problem could really be he is teething..

Source :

Teething (or "cutting teeth") often causes discomfort, restlessness and irritability. As the roots of the teeth grow, they push the edges of the teeth through the gums. The effects are usually most dramatic with the first teeth, because the sensation is new to the baby, and with molars, due to their large size.

Signs of teething include:
Increased fussiness, night-time crying and "clingy" behaviour.

Excessive dribbling.

Chewing on fingers, teething rings, and other objects.

Swollen, red, inflamed gums.

Increased demand in breast or bottle-feeding.

Rejection of breast or bottle because sucking hurts gums.

Poor appetite.

Interrupted sleep.

Suggestions for alleviating some of the pain your baby may experience whilst teething:
When dribbling is excessive, give your baby plenty of water or diluted juice to replenish fluids.

For babies older than four months try a baby teething gel spread across the gums.

Try distracting your baby with plenty of hugs or something to play with. Alternatively provide a change of scenery to distract from the pain.

In some instances your doctor may recommend infant pain relievers like paracetamol or ibuprofen. Follow your doctor's direction and never give a baby aspirin.

Never apply alcohol in any form to baby's gums. For babies alcohol can be a dangerous poison.

I hope Alexius current 'behaviour' is due to teething... just have to wait and see if this behaviour will be gone once the teeth is out.

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