Monday, March 15, 2010

Play dead

I remember Gaby asking me about death when he was about 2+... he was already asking about how rain comes about... why this why that... And ever since we moved into our new place, he has a better idea about death cos our fishes died and also being in a neighbourhood with lots of old folks around, we have a funeral wake like every other week at the multi-purpose all... i call it the funeral parlour. And a few months back, we attended a friend' dog's funeral and also visitd the dog's newborned puppies. So Gaby has more or less understand the concept of life and death.

I hve been thinking when or how to explain this thing to Alexius... because these days he keeps lying on the floor and play dead. And whenever he does it, he really lie very still. Does he really know what is death??

Alexius has been asking me the 2 W's. What and Where... What is this? Mummy where are you going? Where is Gabriel? I wonder when will he start Why's? Am a little worried because Gaby always provide him with the answers, not giving him the opportunity to ask why. How?

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