Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Long long time... ...

My oh my! It's been so long since I last came here! Life's a little busy these days. Renovation of our new place is finally over and we are moving in this Sunday! I am so looking forward to it.

There's so much packing to be done these days that it upset our Mr Poofie. Nothing seems to make sense to him these days... But as for Mr Junior, life just seem to go on and on without a reason. Why? Well, I guess for him, he has somehow lost his motivation with life now that he hasn't been going for training since after the trial. We didn't win anything on that day but it has been a nice experience and both of us enjoyed the day.

Our new helper has arrived early this month. She's from Java, Indonesia. Quite a pleasant girl. Gaby is slowly getting used to having her around the house and being his playmate whenever Gong Gong is too tired to play with him.

I'll come back here in a while... got to clear some work first...

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