I really dun understand Alexius sometimes. Why must he be so difficult leh? I was supposed to go for training tonite. Was so looking forward to it. Even Gaby was looking forward to a nite's out meeting his doggie friends. We (as in Gaby and myself) had it all plannned out. We reached home early after getting his new MRT/bus card at Tiong Bahru so that I can feed Alexius his dinner early and then give him his milk earlier. All well planned. BUT... I really dun know what went wrong with this plan.
Feeding Alexius dinner was a bit of struggle. I had to entertain him with all kinds of things... toys, my purse, coins, switching on differnt tv programs... it took me almost half an hour to finish feeding him.
Then came milk feeding time. I nearly went crazy! He took 1 bloody hour and did not finish his milk. Then he mad me so mad that I started scolding him. And the scolding made him cried and cried and cried till he vomitted all the milk that he had drunk before. This made me even madder. Can u imagine this, spending 1 hour to feed and then vomitted out?? By now, I was so mad that I ditched the idea of going training. And anyway, it was too late already. By the time i reaached training ground, i think all my fellow trainees will be getting ready to pack up and go home!
So fed up! Why this has to happen? Formula milk really taste so terrible meh? And you know what? After resting for about half and hour, I gotten a bottle of breastmilk ready. The moment Alexius saw the bottle, he was so happy and was shrieking with joy "milk milk time!" Finished the bottle in less then 10mins!
How I felt about what happened? I feel really bad. Am so angry with myself for losing my cool and scolded Alexius. Am so angry with myself that we have to cancel training. Am so guilty that I after scolding Alexius, my dear little boy can still come to me with his arms wide open and telling me "hug hug mummy". But am so glad that Alexius seems to have already forgotten all the scoldings. At bedtime, he wanted me to lie down beside him... giving a few hugs and also telling me that "I love mummy".
Friday, December 18, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Monday, December 07, 2009
Beware of my sons, they bite!
This is what happened...
Gaby bit Alexius on the arm beos Alexius tried to snatch a toy from Gaby. I witnessed the whole incident... and to think that Gaby was so bold to do it with me looking on... Made me so angry! Anyway, Gaby was being punished for his act of biting and Alexius was scolded for snatching the toy from his brother. Gaby's punishment was a slap on his left palm because he bit his brother on the left arm. Actually, I would think that the slap was moderate... not too hard and not too light. but it made Gaby cried and complained that his palm was painful. I let him cried a bit and then told him to stop. And this was his response...
Me : Enough of crying.
Gaby : But you haven't told me something funny... how to stop crying? *sob*sob*sob*
Me : I am very angry now so how can I tell u something funny?
Alexius bit Gaby on his right arm when both of them tried to squeeze under Alexius high-chair. And again, the incident happened right before my eyes. Actually, i was sitting in front of them trying to take some pictures of the 2 of them under the hair cos i tot they looked kind of funny. It was quite dark cos the i didnt switch on the lights. So from where I was looking, I tot I saw Alexius trying to push Gaby out with his head. Then suddenly Gaby was screaming in pain! When he managed to come out of under the chair, I examined his arm and saw that it was red and looked like a hard bite. Haizzz...
Alexius was punished with a slap on his right palm. But I think his skin is quite thick... did not seem to have any effect at all. And I oso took this opportunity to tell Gaby(not sure if he is really listening to me cos he was still crying) that his younger brother will learn whatever that he does.... monkey see monkey do... And after this I tried to comfort him a bit but Gaby being a drama king, couldnt stop crying. And Alexius kept wanting to help his big brother clean the tears away. Finally the crying stopped. Haizzz... but the episode is not over yet. When I was in my room trying to change Alexius diaper...
Gaby : Mummy, I was pretending to be a lion yesterday so that was why I bit didi.
Me : Next time dont pretend to be a lion that bites. I dont like lion that bites. Ok?
Gaby (started to cry again) : I am very upset that I cannot pretend to be a lion today. I can only be a frog becos I keep burping and having hiccups! *sob*sob*sob*
Me : ... ... (dont know wat to say. have to keep a straight face cos i nearly burst out laughing)
Me : why don't you go out and watch your favourite cartoon for a while. I will come and join you after I changed didi's diaper.
When I went to the sofa...
Me : darling, how are you feeling now?
Gaby (suddenly bursted into tears again) : My poor little arm!
Me : It doesn't look that bad now. I will put some cream over it after your shower.
Gaby : Mr poor little arm! *sob*sob*sob*
Gaby bit Alexius on the arm beos Alexius tried to snatch a toy from Gaby. I witnessed the whole incident... and to think that Gaby was so bold to do it with me looking on... Made me so angry! Anyway, Gaby was being punished for his act of biting and Alexius was scolded for snatching the toy from his brother. Gaby's punishment was a slap on his left palm because he bit his brother on the left arm. Actually, I would think that the slap was moderate... not too hard and not too light. but it made Gaby cried and complained that his palm was painful. I let him cried a bit and then told him to stop. And this was his response...
Me : Enough of crying.
Gaby : But you haven't told me something funny... how to stop crying? *sob*sob*sob*
Me : I am very angry now so how can I tell u something funny?
Alexius bit Gaby on his right arm when both of them tried to squeeze under Alexius high-chair. And again, the incident happened right before my eyes. Actually, i was sitting in front of them trying to take some pictures of the 2 of them under the hair cos i tot they looked kind of funny. It was quite dark cos the i didnt switch on the lights. So from where I was looking, I tot I saw Alexius trying to push Gaby out with his head. Then suddenly Gaby was screaming in pain! When he managed to come out of under the chair, I examined his arm and saw that it was red and looked like a hard bite. Haizzz...
Alexius was punished with a slap on his right palm. But I think his skin is quite thick... did not seem to have any effect at all. And I oso took this opportunity to tell Gaby(not sure if he is really listening to me cos he was still crying) that his younger brother will learn whatever that he does.... monkey see monkey do... And after this I tried to comfort him a bit but Gaby being a drama king, couldnt stop crying. And Alexius kept wanting to help his big brother clean the tears away. Finally the crying stopped. Haizzz... but the episode is not over yet. When I was in my room trying to change Alexius diaper...
Gaby : Mummy, I was pretending to be a lion yesterday so that was why I bit didi.
Me : Next time dont pretend to be a lion that bites. I dont like lion that bites. Ok?
Gaby (started to cry again) : I am very upset that I cannot pretend to be a lion today. I can only be a frog becos I keep burping and having hiccups! *sob*sob*sob*
Me : ... ... (dont know wat to say. have to keep a straight face cos i nearly burst out laughing)
Me : why don't you go out and watch your favourite cartoon for a while. I will come and join you after I changed didi's diaper.
When I went to the sofa...
Me : darling, how are you feeling now?
Gaby (suddenly bursted into tears again) : My poor little arm!
Me : It doesn't look that bad now. I will put some cream over it after your shower.
Gaby : Mr poor little arm! *sob*sob*sob*
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Running nose? Why?
Alexius has running nose out of the sudden. But I am very sure he didn't catch a cold or its becos of a virus. It's not the very serious type of running nose... just wet nose. And mostly from the left side of the nostril. And I am quite sure its becos he has some allergy problem. Hmm... What could it be then?
Saturday, October 31, 2009
No loud thunder again
Thank goodness the loud thunder has stopped... my 2 boys was clinging on to me for their lives when there was loud thunder. And Junior was sitting closed by cos he was afraid of the thunder too. And Poofie was barking away becos the thunder was too loud.
When I was young, someone told me that the louder i shout, the louder the thunder...
Oh, I have to look up on the internet... Gaby asked me this just now "how come there are thunders? God made it?" I didn't know how to answer this yet so I just told him that "God must be very angry with some naughty children now so he is scolding them." He wasn't quite convinced with my answer so he asked again when the next thunder strike again... haizzz... ok, ok, mummy will look up the internet to find the answer and tell u tomorrow.
When I was young, someone told me that the louder i shout, the louder the thunder...
Oh, I have to look up on the internet... Gaby asked me this just now "how come there are thunders? God made it?" I didn't know how to answer this yet so I just told him that "God must be very angry with some naughty children now so he is scolding them." He wasn't quite convinced with my answer so he asked again when the next thunder strike again... haizzz... ok, ok, mummy will look up the internet to find the answer and tell u tomorrow.
Luck cheong and dried octopus...
Mr Lee caught Junior stealing food from my marketing bag this morning. Found him eating the dried octopus that I bought for making soup. Then in the afternoon, I caught him red handed again! This time, he was chewing away on the luck cheong (chinese sausage) that was still in my marketing bag...
Some days ago, I was looking high and low in my kitchen for the dried octopus when i wanted to make soup. But just couldn't find it. I checked with Nika cos sometimes she'll store the stuff that I bought from the market deep into the cupboards so that Alex will not play with them when he finds it. But she did not see it at all. So I was just suspecting that perhaps Junior has eaten it... cos I remembered quite clearly that I left it in my bag after coming home from the market. And since Nika did not clear my marketing bag, then how come it was gone? I even suspected myself from being forgetful, thinking that perhaps i have already used it for making soup.
Some days ago, I was looking high and low in my kitchen for the dried octopus when i wanted to make soup. But just couldn't find it. I checked with Nika cos sometimes she'll store the stuff that I bought from the market deep into the cupboards so that Alex will not play with them when he finds it. But she did not see it at all. So I was just suspecting that perhaps Junior has eaten it... cos I remembered quite clearly that I left it in my bag after coming home from the market. And since Nika did not clear my marketing bag, then how come it was gone? I even suspected myself from being forgetful, thinking that perhaps i have already used it for making soup.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
what is love??
This is what i would call real love...
I am not too sure if my mong cha cha Junior baby will be affected if Mr P has to go before him... But I am very very sure that if Junior baby has to go before Mr P, Mr P will be very very sad.
I am not too sure if my mong cha cha Junior baby will be affected if Mr P has to go before him... But I am very very sure that if Junior baby has to go before Mr P, Mr P will be very very sad.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
No more Caffine for me please
Ran out of the normal painkiller last nite so no choice, I took some super strong painkiller for my headache. Indeed, the headache was gone half hour after I took the medicine. But I couldn't sleep till almost 2am! So this morning I took out the tablets and read on the back of the medicine content that it contains 65mg of caffine. Haizz... no wonder...
So u see... the headache was gone after i took some painkiller (actually just one tablet) but becos of not having enough sleep (I was up at 6.30am), I felt so miserable the whole morning.
Lesson learnt... check the medicine before taking them!
So u see... the headache was gone after i took some painkiller (actually just one tablet) but becos of not having enough sleep (I was up at 6.30am), I felt so miserable the whole morning.
Lesson learnt... check the medicine before taking them!
Water boys
We went to the pool today. It's Alexius' 1st trip to the swimming pool and Gaby's 1st trip after the drowning incident 2.5 years ago.
Gaby used to love going to the pool when he was younger. But after that incident, he was so scared that he didnt dare wash his head standing up. I had to do it the "baby style". It took almost 2 years for him to overcome the fear of water touching his face and shampoo his hair standing. I have been telling him that it wouldnt be scary the next time we visit the pool becos mummy will be there to hold him.
This morning when we decided to bring the boys to the pool, i could see that Gaby seemed a little hesitant about the trip. But I assured him that it wouldn't be that scary now becos he is a bigger and stronger boy so he wouldnt trip in the waters easily. And I will be holding on to him till he is confident.
When we were at the swimming pool, all Gaby wanted to do is to stand at the stairs leading into the pool. He was just comfortable with the water up to his knees. It took him a little while to "warm-up"... Alexius was quite ok. He didn't seem to be scared of the water. Mr Lee carried him into the waters and showed him about blowing bubbles with the water... We brought 2 toys into the pool to make it more fun for them. The toys helped cos they can squirt water at dad dad and mummy.
We spent about 45 minutes at the swimming pool and I am already super tired. Gaby enjoyed the outing so much that he asked if we could go "swimming" again soon. I kept praising him of not fearing the waters now. He told me that he dreamt about swimming when he nap just now! Too bad I had my bag locked in the lockers. Didn't take any photos. Oh, and I nearly forget to collect my bag from the locker when we left!
We have to remember to bring the swimming floats during the next trip so that we don't have to hold on to them the whole time!
Gaby used to love going to the pool when he was younger. But after that incident, he was so scared that he didnt dare wash his head standing up. I had to do it the "baby style". It took almost 2 years for him to overcome the fear of water touching his face and shampoo his hair standing. I have been telling him that it wouldnt be scary the next time we visit the pool becos mummy will be there to hold him.
This morning when we decided to bring the boys to the pool, i could see that Gaby seemed a little hesitant about the trip. But I assured him that it wouldn't be that scary now becos he is a bigger and stronger boy so he wouldnt trip in the waters easily. And I will be holding on to him till he is confident.
When we were at the swimming pool, all Gaby wanted to do is to stand at the stairs leading into the pool. He was just comfortable with the water up to his knees. It took him a little while to "warm-up"... Alexius was quite ok. He didn't seem to be scared of the water. Mr Lee carried him into the waters and showed him about blowing bubbles with the water... We brought 2 toys into the pool to make it more fun for them. The toys helped cos they can squirt water at dad dad and mummy.
We spent about 45 minutes at the swimming pool and I am already super tired. Gaby enjoyed the outing so much that he asked if we could go "swimming" again soon. I kept praising him of not fearing the waters now. He told me that he dreamt about swimming when he nap just now! Too bad I had my bag locked in the lockers. Didn't take any photos. Oh, and I nearly forget to collect my bag from the locker when we left!
We have to remember to bring the swimming floats during the next trip so that we don't have to hold on to them the whole time!
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Apple wants to take the lift
We have 3 terrapins... Gaby named them - the large one is Lemon, medium one is Apple and the small one is Strawberry. We have been keeping them for almost 2 years now. Previously it was Lemon that had tried running away from home. The last attempt was about 2 weeks ago. I found him wandering in our living room. I have been thinking of getting a big tank for the 3 of them cos the one that Lemon was staying is too small and to shallow. He has managed many times to get out of it. Anyway, to cut the story short, I got a new tank last week and have transferred all three into the same tank. So, hoping that there won't be anymore runaway incidents. Haizzz...
My neighbour came knocking at my door just now. She found Apple in front of the lift. Checked with both Gaby and Nika and they were not the ones that took Apple out. So the biggest culprit would be Alexius... I hope. Else how would Apple managed to get his way out of the tank??
I wonder how he managed to sneak out of the house?? What has Lemon been telling him about the world outside their tank?

My neighbour came knocking at my door just now. She found Apple in front of the lift. Checked with both Gaby and Nika and they were not the ones that took Apple out. So the biggest culprit would be Alexius... I hope. Else how would Apple managed to get his way out of the tank??
I wonder how he managed to sneak out of the house?? What has Lemon been telling him about the world outside their tank?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Gaby with Mr Ash
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
What are you saying?
Alexius is making some progress in his speech. He is able to say these...
nite nite
bye bye
no more
ma ma/mi mi (for mummy)
dad dad/daddy
lap lap (laptop)
nan nan (milk)
bo (bolster)
And he is able to form 3 words sentences like "妈妈开。" I am really hoping that by early nest year he will improve more so that he can start school like the rest of the kids borned in 2007. 加油韦毅!
nite nite
bye bye
no more
ma ma/mi mi (for mummy)
dad dad/daddy
lap lap (laptop)
nan nan (milk)
bo (bolster)
And he is able to form 3 words sentences like "妈妈开。" I am really hoping that by early nest year he will improve more so that he can start school like the rest of the kids borned in 2007. 加油韦毅!
Bits and pieces
Since begining of this week, we have been making Gaby goes to bed the same time as Alexius. ie about 9.15pm. Have to start training him to go to bed early again. For the past 2 nights, they are able to fall asleep by around 9.45pm. So lets hope that this routine will not break.
Alexius has begun to be difficult during porridge and milk time. It takes him more than 30 minutes to finish his feeding. And during milk feeding time, he likes to bite the teats and not suckle. It is so frustrating to feed him. I always end up having backaches and frustrated. Sometimes in the middle of feeding him, I get so frustrated that I will scream at him. I know that it is bad to scream at the kid. But I am really very very very super frustrated. There is nothing I can compare this kind of frustration with... and nothing I can used to describe it. I can tolerate it if this only happens once in a blue moon. But no, it has been so often. Do you know that I hated and fear every mealtime of milk feeding time? Why is it so bloody difficult?
And to make matter worst, Gaby hasn't been quite corperative recently too. He whines a lot. And yes, I scream at him more often then before. I know that it is very negative for the kids. But really, I have tried to hold my temper but sometimes it is really very difficult.
Also, tell me, when one is already very angry and trying to control the fumming anger, and then another person kept asking me questions how should i react? Or how would u feel... when u are already trying to hold your anger and not show it and then another person just couldn't stop talking beside you? Can die!!!!
Haizzzz.... Sometimes I really feel like crying cos I think crying probably can help me ease the frustration inside me. But 欲哭无泪。
Alexius has begun to be difficult during porridge and milk time. It takes him more than 30 minutes to finish his feeding. And during milk feeding time, he likes to bite the teats and not suckle. It is so frustrating to feed him. I always end up having backaches and frustrated. Sometimes in the middle of feeding him, I get so frustrated that I will scream at him. I know that it is bad to scream at the kid. But I am really very very very super frustrated. There is nothing I can compare this kind of frustration with... and nothing I can used to describe it. I can tolerate it if this only happens once in a blue moon. But no, it has been so often. Do you know that I hated and fear every mealtime of milk feeding time? Why is it so bloody difficult?
And to make matter worst, Gaby hasn't been quite corperative recently too. He whines a lot. And yes, I scream at him more often then before. I know that it is very negative for the kids. But really, I have tried to hold my temper but sometimes it is really very difficult.
Also, tell me, when one is already very angry and trying to control the fumming anger, and then another person kept asking me questions how should i react? Or how would u feel... when u are already trying to hold your anger and not show it and then another person just couldn't stop talking beside you? Can die!!!!
Haizzzz.... Sometimes I really feel like crying cos I think crying probably can help me ease the frustration inside me. But 欲哭无泪。
Monday, September 14, 2009
Lion Roars
2 days ago, Alexius was being difficult. I want to make him sleep but he kept wanting to go into the room to play with Gaby. So I told Gaby to put the toy down and leave the room since it was oso time for him to shower and get ready for lunch. So here I was struggling with Alexius to leave the room and there I was repeating to Gaby "put down your toys and come out with me". I must have repeated the same words for 4 or 5 times that after that I raised my voice... repeating over and over again until I lost my cool and was screaming at the top of my voice! I was already fuming by now! But I managed to get both boys out of the room and Alexius into his swing swing. But Gaby was frightened by my screaming that he started to cry.
Dad helped me to swing Alexius while I tried to calm and talk sense into Gaby. Told him that when I give him an instruction in a nice friendly tone, please do not ignore it. I hate to raise my voice and end up scolding him. And he replied "mummy, I also don't like you to scream cos you sound like a lion"
Dad helped me to swing Alexius while I tried to calm and talk sense into Gaby. Told him that when I give him an instruction in a nice friendly tone, please do not ignore it. I hate to raise my voice and end up scolding him. And he replied "mummy, I also don't like you to scream cos you sound like a lion"
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Beauty Nap
I was about to fall asleep when Gaby suddenly woke me up to let me know that his neck is "painful". Actually he didn't really feel painful. Just uncomfortable from indigestion I guess. I thought he may want to puke so I jumped off the bed and dashed to get a basin from the kitchen. Then I rubbed some ru-yi oil on his neck and back and let him smell some from my palm. It seems to help cos he let out a loud burp. Gave him some water and then told him that he needs to get some snooze as we are going to his granny's place tonite.
As I was walking to the kitchen to get a drink, I heard Alexius making a bit of noise from the swing swing. Alamak! I think the commotion with Gaby must have stirred him and woke him up. When I went to check on him, he asked for "nan nan" which means milk. It's only 1.45pm! His usual nap time is till around 3pm. Haizzz... I already foresee a cranky boy... After giving him milk, he was super grouchy. Didn't want to lie down or sit or change his diaper. Kept crying... so no choice, I wrap the sarong sling around and brought him downstairs for a walk. It helps. He is happier now...
Now, I am feeling so sleepy. And the thought of having to stay awake till perhaps 11+ tonite already makes me feel a little "cranky". I really hate situations like this... the kid not napping enough and we have to go out later. And on top of that, I havent had enough rest too!
As I was walking to the kitchen to get a drink, I heard Alexius making a bit of noise from the swing swing. Alamak! I think the commotion with Gaby must have stirred him and woke him up. When I went to check on him, he asked for "nan nan" which means milk. It's only 1.45pm! His usual nap time is till around 3pm. Haizzz... I already foresee a cranky boy... After giving him milk, he was super grouchy. Didn't want to lie down or sit or change his diaper. Kept crying... so no choice, I wrap the sarong sling around and brought him downstairs for a walk. It helps. He is happier now...
Now, I am feeling so sleepy. And the thought of having to stay awake till perhaps 11+ tonite already makes me feel a little "cranky". I really hate situations like this... the kid not napping enough and we have to go out later. And on top of that, I havent had enough rest too!
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Don't know why but today Gaby is super good appetite. We had chicken rice for lunch and he shared half a packet of chicken rice with me. 15 minutes after lunch, he finised 140ml of milk and had a nap. Woke up around 4pm and had an apple.
For dinner, I ordered some pizzas cos there are only 3 adults n a kid so I am too lazy to do much cooking. But I get Nika to cook a bit of rice and Gaby's usual egg with spinach and steam carrots becos I thought Gaby won't like to eat pizza. In the past, he only eat the crust.
At dinner time, Gaby is given the usual rice serving but I do not expect him to finish all the rice cos I thought he may want to share some pizza crust with me. But tonite, he is more adventurous with the pizza. He wanted to try the cheese, ham and pineapples. But he didn't want the mushrooms. And in the end, he ate about one slice of pizza and finished all the rice in his plate. When Mr Lee came home around half and hour later, and had his dinner, Gaby wanted to eat another slice of pizza when he saw his dad dad enjoying his meal!
Gaby has a habit of drinking milk before bedtime. He was given his usual 150ml of milk around 9.30pm. When he finished his milk, he told me that he would like to have some more. So I made another bott of 120ml for him.
I wouldn't stop him from eating more but I am just a little worried that he may suffer from indigestion.
For dinner, I ordered some pizzas cos there are only 3 adults n a kid so I am too lazy to do much cooking. But I get Nika to cook a bit of rice and Gaby's usual egg with spinach and steam carrots becos I thought Gaby won't like to eat pizza. In the past, he only eat the crust.
At dinner time, Gaby is given the usual rice serving but I do not expect him to finish all the rice cos I thought he may want to share some pizza crust with me. But tonite, he is more adventurous with the pizza. He wanted to try the cheese, ham and pineapples. But he didn't want the mushrooms. And in the end, he ate about one slice of pizza and finished all the rice in his plate. When Mr Lee came home around half and hour later, and had his dinner, Gaby wanted to eat another slice of pizza when he saw his dad dad enjoying his meal!
Gaby has a habit of drinking milk before bedtime. He was given his usual 150ml of milk around 9.30pm. When he finished his milk, he told me that he would like to have some more. So I made another bott of 120ml for him.
I wouldn't stop him from eating more but I am just a little worried that he may suffer from indigestion.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Mr Poofie is not Pouffy!
The Osim pple has gotten Mr P's name wrong on their website. I left a comment and they hasnt reponded to it yet. Urgh!

Last night I watched half a movie titled "Grace" and I have been so disturbed by it. From the part when the pregnant woman gave birth to her still born onwards... the dead bb that they used in the movie looked so dead... I mean, I was very sad when the bb was delivered... looking at the lifeless limp tiny body. Then when the bb came alive, I tot that the movie isn't such horror after. OMG! the movie is categorised as horror becos this tiny cutie drinks blood to stay alive. When the mother latched the bb on, the bb sucks the mother's blood thru the breast. So bloody bloody! Half way thru' the movie, I was feeling really upset by it that I decided not to watch it any further.
Whenever I closed my eyes, I can still see the images of the bb... urgh!
Friday, September 04, 2009
Gaby says...
Mrs Rajan has finally came back to school after Teacher's Day. Turned out that she has to stay home cos her boy was down with H1N1. So she has to quarantine for a week at home. After our conversation, Gaby says good bye to her and "please take good care of your son".
And today, he told Ms Yen that she has to tie her hair up cos its very long now.
Is it good that Gaby sometimes behaves like a little adult?
And today, he told Ms Yen that she has to tie her hair up cos its very long now.
Is it good that Gaby sometimes behaves like a little adult?
Gaby wants to be like his dad dad
A few days ago, Gaby told me that he wants to be like dad dad. He has decided to change his name to Calvin when he grows up.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Too much gummies will kill mummy
Finally went to get 4 boxes of Mother's Milk Tea at Vitakids at Paragon this afternoon with Gaby. After we bought the tea bags, we went to Marks and Spencers to stock up my fav Sultana Cookies... very sinful cos they are ALL BUTTER COOKIES! And while we were in the store, Gaby wanted to buy a packet of gummies. So I told him that he better like what he wants me to buy and cos I dun want to end up finishing the packet of gummies... can die ar! Oops! I've forgotten to watch what I said. I have forgotten about how sensitivve Gaby can be! And you know what? On the way home from my in-law's place, he said "mummy, I think i don't like the piggy gummies that we bought this afternoon." So i told him that it's ok, I'll eat them then. And he almost cried when he replied that "but mmmy, I don't want you to die. Cos when you finish the packet of gummies, you will die!" Alamak! I nearly burst out laughing but have to control myself and told him that no, i won't be finishing the whole packet of gummies myself, dad dad can help to eat some or we can give some to his girlfriend from the playground (Wen Xuan)...
Have to watch what I say to my dear son in future ar!
Have to watch what I say to my dear son in future ar!

Some weird stuff that Gaby said...
"Mummy, the bald head guy's building callapsed down".
"Mummy, when you grow old and die, dad dad and me will go out and look for a wife". I asked "you mean look for a wife for yourself?" "No mummy, look for a wife for dad dad and then one for myself."
"Mummy, I love dinosaurs! I miss them so much! How I wish they are still alive! Can you bring me to see them when they come alive?"
"Mummy, when you grow old and die, dad dad and me will go out and look for a wife". I asked "you mean look for a wife for yourself?" "No mummy, look for a wife for dad dad and then one for myself."
"Mummy, I love dinosaurs! I miss them so much! How I wish they are still alive! Can you bring me to see them when they come alive?"
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A quick quick day out with Gaby
I had a quick quick short short day out with Gaby today. Went to Millenia Walk with the intention of stocking up on Mothers Milk Tea. I have finished my last bag many many weeks ago and has been meaning to get them. My milk supply has dropped again recently. But the drop is ok cos I have started Alexius on at least 3 formula feeds per day (about 360ml per day). And he is taking about 500ml of my breastmilk. So long as I can still produce about 500ml or more breastmilk, it should be enough for his daily supply. I haven't decide when I should stop giving Alexius breastmilk. Guess will still continue for as long as I can manage. Hai-ya... but when we were at the shop, the tea bags are all sold out! Wasted my trip there! Urgh! HAve to make another trip there again or try other outlets. Super sianzzz man. It's so mah fan planning my outing cos have to make sure someone "experienced" is home to look after Alexius. Still can't trust the maid with Alexius.
When we were having lunch at the foodcourt at Millenia Walk, Gaby was telling me that "mummy, I love girls". He didn't surprise me cos I already know that he really likes girls, so I did not react too much and just reponded with "oh..." Then shortly after he made this comment, a little girl wearing a nice pink dress walked past our table and I realised that Gaby is staring at her and not chewing on his food. So I asked him, "you looking at the girl ar? She looks very sweet n pretty is it?". This isn't the first time i caught him "checking out" on the girls that walked past us... the last time it happened, I have it on my camera. Now he is starting to make me worry! Is this a normal growing up phase?

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Saturday, August 08, 2009

This is the drawing tat took me by surprise. I didn't know tat he is able to imagine n draw without really looking at an object. Most of the time, I have to either draw a sample then he copy or put the object in front of him to draw. But this one, he drew it based on what was on his mind then. It was sometime before bedtime that he suddenly wanted to draw. So I agreed to let him do so while I finished with the last bit of my chores. And when I came back to him, he showed me his drawings proudly! A drawing of 2 robots!
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Monday, August 03, 2009
Secret posting
I found Me and Junior on youtube... someone posted this on youtube... was so surprised! I wonder who could that be...
The person's comment about the vid ... Tat's what a trained dog can do.. at advanced level.. At S'pore Expo Show 2/7/2006
The person's comment about the vid ... Tat's what a trained dog can do.. at advanced level.. At S'pore Expo Show 2/7/2006
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Those were the days...
This was during our "prime time". Junior's heelwork was very good then... Better then those regualr trialers. And me... look at how slim I was!!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Mr Photographer
When we were doing the Bollywood movie, there was this old man that was present at thru' out the few days. On the first day of the filming, I have been wondering who is little old man... he had a sophiscated camera hanging in front of his chest... hmm. so I tot he could be one of the handyman from the crew that is in-charged of carrying the camera. You know, there was a tapes man who was in-charged of all kinds of sticky tapes, and there was a guy that followed the Akshay around... I think he was the personal assistant... he massaged the actors shoulders and brought him his coffee. Anyway, I didn't really know what was his business at that time until i saw him snapping pictures with his very sophiscated camera. Oh dear! he is offical on site photographer! Professional ok! Dun play play ar! He is specially flown in from India ok!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Don't want to die
Not sure what did Mr Lee say to Gaby... I think something about getting old and then die... So now Gaby dun want to die and oso dun want anyone at home to die. And I have to "console" him by telling that he won't die unless he is healthy and happy. So to stay healthy, he has to eat well, sleep early and exercise regularly...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
New pump?
Urgh! I should have really gotten a new breastmilk pump long ago and it would have saved me from being so indecisive now. Yes, my pump seems to be having some problems again. Initially it was the power cord adaptor that was faulty... changed that... and yes, changed a few adaptor already so i thought that this one will be staying for good. But recently it is starting to show signs of being "worn out". So I thought that perhaps just get a new adaptor and it will solve the problem. Then come problem no 2. I have 3 fennels. 2 from Gaby's day and 1 that came when I bought the 2nd pump. Some time ago, don't know why, but one of the old fennels didn't seem to "suck" well. I tried to investigate to find out wat's wrong with it but can't seem to detect any faults. So I put it away and just settle with 2 fennels. Then... some months ago, one of the 2 remaining fennels lost it's suction too! I really dun know how on earth the fennels can lose its suction. I couldn't detect any cracks on it. Ok, fine, I just have to use that one and only fennel. And know wat? this afternoon, while pumping halfway, my one and only fennel suddenly lost its grip! I almost cried! So keeping my fingers crosses, I took out one of the old fennel and THANKFULLY, it works fine, though the suction is not that strong, but still managed to work alright.
So now i am in a dilema again. Should I go ahead and get a new pump? No, I dun think i would stop expressing my milk for Alexius. Dr P has advised that so long as I supplement Alexius with some formula, its fine if I still give him breastmilk. There may not be enough iron in my milk, therefore, so long as I supplement him with some iron intake from formula, it'll be fine.
So, should I just go and get a cheapo pump or buy a second hand one or wait till my current one die first? Urgh!
So now i am in a dilema again. Should I go ahead and get a new pump? No, I dun think i would stop expressing my milk for Alexius. Dr P has advised that so long as I supplement Alexius with some formula, its fine if I still give him breastmilk. There may not be enough iron in my milk, therefore, so long as I supplement him with some iron intake from formula, it'll be fine.
So, should I just go and get a cheapo pump or buy a second hand one or wait till my current one die first? Urgh!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Weekly Affair
Now every Saturday evening we have to feed Alexius his porridge early before the helicopters fly-past... And close all our bedroom's windows, switch on the aircon and blast our tv with Alexius in the room at 8.30pm. That's when the fireworks are going on.
Till National Day's over. Haizzz...
Till National Day's over. Haizzz...
Monday, July 06, 2009
Poofie... grumpy barky
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Full time housewife
Reda has gone home for good on Friday afternoon. Saturday was a bit of a little chaos but once everyone knows what they are supposed to do, who incharge of wat... I can say that the situation is slowly improving.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Boy or Girl har?
2 nites ago, I was in the lift with Alexius and a lady neighbour. Very friendly... and she asked "Boy or girl har? Girl ah?" Faint! does Alexius really looks like a girl??
Monday, June 29, 2009
Breast milk not enough...
Spoke to Dr P on Saturday and understand from him that at 18 months old, breast milk is not enough for Alexius. Have to supplement with some formula milk cos there may not be sufficient iron in breast milk. But it is so much easier to give Alexius breast milk...
Anyway, I have started to give him one more formula feed in the afternoon on top of the one that he drinks in the morning.
Anyway, I have started to give him one more formula feed in the afternoon on top of the one that he drinks in the morning.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Sick ar?
Alexius did his 18th month jab this morning and Dr P has advised that the jab may cause fever... and yes, it did. Alexius is down with low fever. Actually, i don't think he needs and medicine to stop the fever but am just worry that the fever may shoot up when he sleeps at night, so no choice, give la...
Gaby woke up "not feeling better"... that was what he usually says when he isn't feeling well. So he came along to Dr P's this morning. But after checking on him, the dr did not find anything wrong with him. Thought it may be a case of indigestion. But on the way home, Gaby vomitted in the car. Urgh! Tomorrow is a Sunday, I was worried that he may feel sick so no choice, rang the dr and asked him to order some med for standby.
Gaby was still very active this afternoon. I guess when he felt much better after vomitting in the car. But when he woke up from his nap, he started to "not feeling better" again. Haiz... gave him some med and hopefully he'll feel better soon.
Although he was a little cranky just now, he is still very "automatic". I guess he was really drowsy from the med that i have given him... I don't have to nag at him to switch off the tv. He did it himself and went to bed, no request from him to tab tab him.
Oh dear! I hope both boys get well soon!
Gaby woke up "not feeling better"... that was what he usually says when he isn't feeling well. So he came along to Dr P's this morning. But after checking on him, the dr did not find anything wrong with him. Thought it may be a case of indigestion. But on the way home, Gaby vomitted in the car. Urgh! Tomorrow is a Sunday, I was worried that he may feel sick so no choice, rang the dr and asked him to order some med for standby.
Gaby was still very active this afternoon. I guess when he felt much better after vomitting in the car. But when he woke up from his nap, he started to "not feeling better" again. Haiz... gave him some med and hopefully he'll feel better soon.
Although he was a little cranky just now, he is still very "automatic". I guess he was really drowsy from the med that i have given him... I don't have to nag at him to switch off the tv. He did it himself and went to bed, no request from him to tab tab him.
Oh dear! I hope both boys get well soon!
Mr P goes to work again
Monday, June 22, 2009
Mum has to practice the Transformer toy
This morning, Gaby found a transformer toy in one of his toy boxes. I think Mr Lee bought it last year or so when he went on his Japan trip. I remembered that he bought 2 but Gaby only likes to play with the one that can be transformed into a van. And he wasn't too keen on this one that can be transformed into a fight jet plane.
Anyway, when he found this fighter jet one, he got Mr Lee to transform it into a fighter jet plane. And after lunch time, he wants me to transform it back to the robot. Aiyo! so difficult to do! So I tried and tried and gave up and told him that he can get his dad dad to do it later in the afternoon. But he kept encouraging me "Mum, u can do it! U have to try, mum!". I tired some more... really, I don't understand why the toy makers must make such a difficult toy! I managed to get the arms out but not the legs. Urgh! So in the end, I think Gaby got fed up waiting for me to fix it for him and he took over. And within seconds, he already gotten it to look like a robot!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Papa Day... I hope...
Today is like all the rest of the Sundays... we spent lazing at home... No special celebration cos I am really not in the mood. Don't know why these days i get moody very easily. And the dry cough isn't making things any better. Also, I dun know when I kicked my left 4th toe. Now it's getting more and more sore! Urgh!!!
Anyway, I a pot of herbal chicken soup and some lor bak for the 2 dads in my family. And both commented that the chicken soup is tasty!
Gaby wanted to bake Mr Lee a chocolate cake today. He was talking about it last night before bedtime. But I think he is too caught up with playing with his toys that he has totally forgotten about the cake. Nevermind la, we'll bake it tomorrow la.
Anyway, I a pot of herbal chicken soup and some lor bak for the 2 dads in my family. And both commented that the chicken soup is tasty!
Gaby wanted to bake Mr Lee a chocolate cake today. He was talking about it last night before bedtime. But I think he is too caught up with playing with his toys that he has totally forgotten about the cake. Nevermind la, we'll bake it tomorrow la.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Should I buy a new one?
Since yesterday, I have been experiencing problems with my brestmilk pump. Sometimes it will be ok, and sometimes it'll be very slow... so slow that it seems like its going to break down. But after like 5 seconds it'll be back to normal. I really hope that it's the problem with the power cord and not the pump itself.
Alexius will be 18 months in a week's time. I really don't know how long I will go on giving him breastmilk. So I am keeping my fingers, toes and eyes crossed that my dear pump will not break down cos if it does, i may not have the determination to go on expressing my milk...
Eversince that tummy flu that I had a few months back, my milk supply has dropped a great deal. I tried all ways to bring it up again but it isn't as easy as last time. A lot of people has been telling me to stop giving Alexius breastmilk since he is already 'so old'. But... isn't mum's milk the best? These days I am only able to produce about 600+ to 700ml of milk per day. And Alexius seems to prefer my milk to formula milk these days. The only formula milk I give him is the morning feed one and then the rest of the day are all my milk in the bottle. It's easier to give him my milk. He takes a shorter time to finish the whole bottle of milk compared to the formula milk.
So how? If I stop BM, will he want formula totally? And will he make feeding time easier?
Alexius will be 18 months in a week's time. I really don't know how long I will go on giving him breastmilk. So I am keeping my fingers, toes and eyes crossed that my dear pump will not break down cos if it does, i may not have the determination to go on expressing my milk...
Eversince that tummy flu that I had a few months back, my milk supply has dropped a great deal. I tried all ways to bring it up again but it isn't as easy as last time. A lot of people has been telling me to stop giving Alexius breastmilk since he is already 'so old'. But... isn't mum's milk the best? These days I am only able to produce about 600+ to 700ml of milk per day. And Alexius seems to prefer my milk to formula milk these days. The only formula milk I give him is the morning feed one and then the rest of the day are all my milk in the bottle. It's easier to give him my milk. He takes a shorter time to finish the whole bottle of milk compared to the formula milk.
So how? If I stop BM, will he want formula totally? And will he make feeding time easier?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
War Zone
I tried so bloody hard to sleep this afternoon but it really sounded like a war zone downstairs!
What's that on your head?
New cleaners... cleaners clean clean
Boon came into the room to inform me that his 2 monkeys son is cleaning the floor...
Monday, June 15, 2009
Cup of water for mum
I was having a packet of spicy hot potato chips while enjoying a nice programe on the tv when Gaby came looking for me in the living room. I thought he was having fun in the room, dancing away on my bed along with Tom and Jerry on the tv in my room. Urgh! Caught red handed! He wanted a piece of my spicy hot chips even though I told him that they are too spicy hot for him. So I have to pretend that they are super duper spicy hot... and told him that the chips are so hot that they are burning my mouth. Upon hearing this, he told me that I shouldn't be eating so much of these and that he thinks that I need a cup of drink and that he'll go and get me a cup of drink. How sweet of him. Makes me feel so guilty that I lied and didn't want to share my chips with him :(
He came back with 2 cups of drink. One for mum and the other for himself. We have a small water dispenser in the kitchen that is within Gaby's reach so that whenever he wants a drink, he can get it himself.

My first cup of drink from Gaby! I suddenly feel that Gaby has grown up!
He came back with 2 cups of drink. One for mum and the other for himself. We have a small water dispenser in the kitchen that is within Gaby's reach so that whenever he wants a drink, he can get it himself.
My first cup of drink from Gaby! I suddenly feel that Gaby has grown up!
What's your problem Mr P?
This vid was taken on the last day of work for Mr P. I really don't understand why he has to bark so much when he is in the car. I already tied his leash to the bottom of the seat so that the most he can do is sit up and not able to run around the car. And throughout the ride, he was in the down position...
When he is in someone else's car, without me, he is very quite n behaves himself... I really have to consider having ear plugs while driving with Mr P...
When he is in someone else's car, without me, he is very quite n behaves himself... I really have to consider having ear plugs while driving with Mr P...
Thursday, June 04, 2009
The cane rules...
Gaby has been quite difficult since the start of school holidays... last friday afternoon. The was rude to me, try to start a fight with Alexius, difficult at meal times, Sentosa episode....
And today, he has just driven me past my mark. I tried to threaten him with the cane but it has lost its power liao. Yes, I have told myself before that I will not use the cane on my kids. But I have exhausted all means... talking sense into him and threatening him with the cane doesn't work anymore. So I gave him 3 strokes on his palm. I have tried not to let my anger "over powered" me and tried to control the strength of the 3 strokes. I dun think the canning is that painful, more like he really gotten frightened. so he broke into loud cries and he kept repeating this "Mummy don't love me anymore!" Wow piang! I was super guilty when i heard this! But i have to be really firm, gave him a straight face and waited for him to cool down then I explained to him again why I was so mad and caned him. And I also think the the "power" of my cane is back!
After this "episode" I thought Gaby will reject me but instead, he was more clingy then usual.
My after thought of canning him is that I realised that Gaby really know how to manipulate the adults' feeling. He really know how to make me feel guilty man! Haizzz....
And today, he has just driven me past my mark. I tried to threaten him with the cane but it has lost its power liao. Yes, I have told myself before that I will not use the cane on my kids. But I have exhausted all means... talking sense into him and threatening him with the cane doesn't work anymore. So I gave him 3 strokes on his palm. I have tried not to let my anger "over powered" me and tried to control the strength of the 3 strokes. I dun think the canning is that painful, more like he really gotten frightened. so he broke into loud cries and he kept repeating this "Mummy don't love me anymore!" Wow piang! I was super guilty when i heard this! But i have to be really firm, gave him a straight face and waited for him to cool down then I explained to him again why I was so mad and caned him. And I also think the the "power" of my cane is back!
After this "episode" I thought Gaby will reject me but instead, he was more clingy then usual.
My after thought of canning him is that I realised that Gaby really know how to manipulate the adults' feeling. He really know how to make me feel guilty man! Haizzz....
Overdosage of Sentosa...
Brought Gaby to Sentosa - Underwater World on Monday. I thought the tickets will only be valid for the UW but they are also valid for the Pink Dolphin Lagoon. We spent quite a long time in UW cos Gaby really likes looking at the sharks. And after UW, we proceed to lunch at the foodcourt behind UW. I don't really want to talk much about lunch cos it was freaking expensive for a bowl of fishball noodles and a cup of ice milo! By the time we are done with lunch and arrived at the Pink Dolphin Lagoon, the earlier show has ended and the next show is in more then an hour's time. So we decided to go back to Sentosa the following day to see the Pink Dolphins. Actually, I was thinking of giving my tickets away but Gaby is really keen on the dolphins... reason being... Mummy, I like pink dolphins becos I love pink! So ok, ok, we will come back again tomorrow...
On Monday nite, I get Gaby to bed early cos I told him that he has to be up early on Tuesday so that we can be in Sentosa for the 1st Pink Dolphin show at 11am.
As on track, we were up early, I finished all my morning chores and we took a bus to Sentosa. While we were on the bus, I realised that I missed a sms from uncle P. He has to be in Sentosa early for some biz so he thought he'll bring his family there for an outing and wanted to ask if I am keen to join them. Well, I return his call and informed him that we were actually on our way there.
As arranged, Gaby and myself will arrive at the monorail station and meet aunty A and the kids and then we will proceed to the Lagoon by bus and uncle P will meet us at the Lagoon after his biz...
Gaby had another fun day with more company... and we managed to re-visit UW! Hehehe! Its a "trade secret" on how we managed to get into UW again on Tuesday!
It was super hot weather on both days but the heat did not seem to bother the kids. But the adults nearly melted in the heat!
Gaby enjoyed the Sentosa outing on both days that he kept talking about it and about the sharks! He can't wait to visit Sentosa again. But I feel that I have had an overdosage of Sentosa so I guess it'll won't be too soon... sorry Gaby... We'll think of other activities for the school hols ok?
Monday, June 01, 2009
Gaby Loves Pink
Gaby's favourite colour is Pink. He used to have this pink t-shirt, a hand-me-down from don't know who... I think from Yang Yu or Yang Yu's cousin. But it was a nice light pink polo ralph t-shirt. Gaby likes wearing it so much that Reda has to wash it almost daily so that he can wear it when he comes home from school. But the t-shirt is really small now so I have to hide it. I also can't remember when he started to like pink so much...
Now he 'discovered' Pink Panther and he fell in love with it...

Now he 'discovered' Pink Panther and he fell in love with it...

Hello! What kind of mum am I??
Ok, I have stopped work since 15 May... my 1st week of being a full-time mum didn't work out too well.
I have to bring Mr P to work on the 1st monday. So Monday didn't count as my first day at work (full-time stay home mum). On the 2nd day, I forgotten that I was supposed to pick Gaby up from school instead of Mr Lee. I was on msn with my friends till around 11.30am. Then before i went into the bathroom, i thought i give Mr Lee a call to check whether he is already in school waiting for Gaby. Alamak! How could I??!!! I dashed out of the house in a split second! Forget about using the bathroom! When I reached school, Gaby is with Mrs R and the rest of the kids were gone already. Thankfully I did not get any 'scolding' from Mrs R. Phew!
Then the following week, Gaby had a school excusion to the Botanic Gardens. I did not read the form properly and thus did not put a clean towel in his school bag. Did not realise this until the principal rang Mr Lee and asked if Gaby is allowed for water play. Aiyo! How could I? Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! How could I be so careless? Thankfully, it's the long school holidays le, I can't imagine what kind of mistakes I will make again.
I better WAKE UP!!!
I have to bring Mr P to work on the 1st monday. So Monday didn't count as my first day at work (full-time stay home mum). On the 2nd day, I forgotten that I was supposed to pick Gaby up from school instead of Mr Lee. I was on msn with my friends till around 11.30am. Then before i went into the bathroom, i thought i give Mr Lee a call to check whether he is already in school waiting for Gaby. Alamak! How could I??!!! I dashed out of the house in a split second! Forget about using the bathroom! When I reached school, Gaby is with Mrs R and the rest of the kids were gone already. Thankfully I did not get any 'scolding' from Mrs R. Phew!
Then the following week, Gaby had a school excusion to the Botanic Gardens. I did not read the form properly and thus did not put a clean towel in his school bag. Did not realise this until the principal rang Mr Lee and asked if Gaby is allowed for water play. Aiyo! How could I? Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! How could I be so careless? Thankfully, it's the long school holidays le, I can't imagine what kind of mistakes I will make again.
I better WAKE UP!!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Gaby the Artist
Unconditional Love
Last nite, while walking home from the carpark, Gaby wants me to carry him. So I just passed a comment "Aiyo, mummy is sweaty, sticky and smelly and you still want me to carry you?"
Gaby : "Mummy, I love you even if you are sweaty, sticky and smelly becos you are my mother."
Gaby : "Mummy, I love you even if you are sweaty, sticky and smelly becos you are my mother."
Friday, May 22, 2009
Today Bollywood, tomorrow Hollywood? Mr P going international!!!
I really don't know how to start writing about everything... Have to blame myself for being lazy I guess. If I have write them down diligently almost everyday, then at least I won't be suffering a mental block right now... So... one thing at a time... Let's talk about Mr P...
Yes, yes, yes, Mr P has gone "international"! We have completed our "project" with Bollywood. He has acted along India's Mega Super Star, Akshay Kumar! And the film is directed by India's most experienced director Priyadarshan. Although they are both super BIG names in India, they dun behave snobbish at all. Askay is a very friendly person. Always very smiley... And Priyadarshan, I think he is a very respectable director in India. Throughout the few days of filming, I find him to be an easy-going person. Although he has his expectations he do understand that sometimes the dog may not be able to do certain tasks... but thank goodness, Mr P live up to his name as a "Star Dog" (well, at least he'll be one after the release of this movie... I hope). He completed most of his scenes without much problem. All credit should go to my "Shi Fu". Some of the tasks sounds really simple but without Shi Fu, Mr P probably couldn't do it.
Akshay Kumar
There is a scene that took us quite long to complete. And I have to stand infront of this huge light to lure Mr P towards the right direction. Should have applied some tanning lotion....

Yes, yes, yes, Mr P has gone "international"! We have completed our "project" with Bollywood. He has acted along India's Mega Super Star, Akshay Kumar! And the film is directed by India's most experienced director Priyadarshan. Although they are both super BIG names in India, they dun behave snobbish at all. Askay is a very friendly person. Always very smiley... And Priyadarshan, I think he is a very respectable director in India. Throughout the few days of filming, I find him to be an easy-going person. Although he has his expectations he do understand that sometimes the dog may not be able to do certain tasks... but thank goodness, Mr P live up to his name as a "Star Dog" (well, at least he'll be one after the release of this movie... I hope). He completed most of his scenes without much problem. All credit should go to my "Shi Fu". Some of the tasks sounds really simple but without Shi Fu, Mr P probably couldn't do it.

There is a scene that took us quite long to complete. And I have to stand infront of this huge light to lure Mr P towards the right direction. Should have applied some tanning lotion....

Thursday, May 14, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Mr P's 开工大吉
Yesterday was our first day filming. Location at ECP... reporting time was 6pm...
We set off from home at abt 5.30pm. I thought that since I will be driving there, half an hour will be more then enough time to get to the location. But who knows, there was a HUGE traffic jam along AYE/ECP. In the end, it took us one hour to arrive at ECP. And by the time we reached ECP, I think I am probably deaf! Mr P couldn't stop barking at ALL the motorist that drove past my car. I was a little worried that one hour of barking will probably tired him out. What if he's too tired to do anything the director wants??
It was really a great experience last nite. Will try to post photos...
Oh, and then on the way home, Mr P barked all the way home too!
We set off from home at abt 5.30pm. I thought that since I will be driving there, half an hour will be more then enough time to get to the location. But who knows, there was a HUGE traffic jam along AYE/ECP. In the end, it took us one hour to arrive at ECP. And by the time we reached ECP, I think I am probably deaf! Mr P couldn't stop barking at ALL the motorist that drove past my car. I was a little worried that one hour of barking will probably tired him out. What if he's too tired to do anything the director wants??
It was really a great experience last nite. Will try to post photos...
Oh, and then on the way home, Mr P barked all the way home too!
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Alexius doing his no 2
Last nite, I was looking after Alexius while Gaby was having his dinner. At one point, I dun really know what Alexius wants. He kept walking from the left side of my bed to the front and then back again. Then I suspected that he is trying to poo. I find it really 'interesting' so i took out my cam and took this down... His actions just reminded me of Poofie. Whenever Poofie wants to poo, he'll walk around the newspaper before finding the "right" spot to poo. Hmm... I wonder if Alexius learnt this from Mr P??
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
It runs in the Lee family... bus... bus... bus...
Last few weeks I have to struggle with Alexius so much with feeding him milk that i think i hurt my wrist... my left wrist... that's the arm that supports him when i feed him milk. I should have started training him to drink his milk lying down on the bed like what I did with Gaby last time... see la, now Alexius can only drink his milk this way... But actually, i think i have myself to be blamed. I love the closeness of him lying in my arms during milk feeding time. Now that he doesn't latch on, this is the least consolation i guesss.
Now the feeding is slightly better... only slightly. Found a way to 'distract' him, that is to let him watch the tele during milk feeds. At first it was Barney. There are 2 Barney vcds that he likes. Campfire Barney and Pajama Party... He doesn't like the talking bits, only the singing parts interest him. Then now he has lost interest in dear Barney. All he likes is the "Wheel on the bus" DVDs. And not only during milk feeding time, even during his porridge time, it's "Wheel on the bus" dvd. If other prog is on the tv, he'll say "bus! bus! bus!"
Oh, and he only likes those parts when they are sing "The Wheels on The Bus" tunes. He knows the sequence of the songs... knows when the wheels go round and round, fingers go snap snap snap, hands go clap clap clap, lights go flash flash flash, wipers go swip swip swip, and daddy goes shh shh shh...
These dvds used to be for Gaby during his meal times. They are Gaby's side dishes during meal times until Fireman Sam came into picture... and now Alexius... guess it runs in the Lee family.
Now the feeding is slightly better... only slightly. Found a way to 'distract' him, that is to let him watch the tele during milk feeds. At first it was Barney. There are 2 Barney vcds that he likes. Campfire Barney and Pajama Party... He doesn't like the talking bits, only the singing parts interest him. Then now he has lost interest in dear Barney. All he likes is the "Wheel on the bus" DVDs. And not only during milk feeding time, even during his porridge time, it's "Wheel on the bus" dvd. If other prog is on the tv, he'll say "bus! bus! bus!"
Oh, and he only likes those parts when they are sing "The Wheels on The Bus" tunes. He knows the sequence of the songs... knows when the wheels go round and round, fingers go snap snap snap, hands go clap clap clap, lights go flash flash flash, wipers go swip swip swip, and daddy goes shh shh shh...
These dvds used to be for Gaby during his meal times. They are Gaby's side dishes during meal times until Fireman Sam came into picture... and now Alexius... guess it runs in the Lee family.
Monday, May 04, 2009
Don't worry, you can still be a fireman

Gaby came home from the playground crying with swollen upper lip yesterday. Jon has pushed him and caused him to "kiss" the floor and ended with a red fat swollen upper lip. My poor sugar lump started to cry when he saw me. I wanted very much to give him some kisses on his painful lips but can't becos of my cold. So all I can provide is some hugs and let him sit on my lap and tell me what has happened.
It looked really swelled up yesterday. When he tried to do "Eeee", I can't see his upper row of teeth. Was a little worried that his 2 front teeth are shaky but thank goodness, they are fine now and he hasn't complain of any pain after last nite.
Mr Lee told me that after the accident, he has made Gab gaggle his mouth with some water to get rid of the blood. Jon and his dad came over to say sorry. Then Gaby cried again and said that "mummy will be upset that I fell down". My little boy sure knows me well. Of cos I will be upset la... but heart pain would be the right word.
When I was showering him in the bathroom, he told me that Jerry was very upset and was crying becos he saw him fell down. So I told Gaby that both him and Jerry should stop being upset cos the fall wasn't that bad. If it's that bad, then we'll all have to go to the hospital already. Then after showering Gaby, I went to get ready Alexius porridge. While I was in the kitchen, Gaby came to me crying again... he was worried that he couldn't be a fireman cos he also hurt his hand. So I tried to console him by saying that the pain will go away soon and when the pain is gone, he can be a fireman. While walking out of the kitchen, he suddenly turned to me and said that he can be a fireman cos he can still move his fingers... and then he stick his middle finger up and showed me! ya... ya... ya... Gaby, you can be a fireman... no worries.
During dinner, Mr Lee asked Gaby is he would still want to play with Jon. And I was quite surprised with Gaby's reply "yes dad, I will still play with Jon. Mrs Rajan said that we have to like everybody." (Mrs Rajan is his teacher) So Mr Lee told him that in future when he notice that Jon is about to flare up, just avoid him and move to another place.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Teething... painful!
I really hope that whatever causes Alexius to be so cranky is due to his teething. And I really hope that it's 8 and not 6 so that I dun have to go through this again. It used to be less then 15 minutes for him to finish his porridge and now it takes about half hour or more. Yesterday's dinner took him about an hour to finish. Milk feeding is also a pain... for him and for me. Urgh!!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Notti Alexius

Zher gave me one of his old t-shirt and said that its for Gaby. It's a cute t-shirt so last nite I tried to get him to try it on to see if it fits him. When I took out the shirt, Alexius came towards me and stick his head closed to the shirt... kind of indicating to me that he wants to put it on. So I put in on him and he refused to take it off after that.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
8 or 6?
Did a check on Alexius mouth on Friday and found that he has at least 6 new teeth coming out. out of which 2 are top molars... and I can already see some whites on the gums. 2 more from the top, 2 from the bottom. And it looks like 2 bottom molars are coming too... so it's either 6 or 8 teeth at one go.
I was just talking to a mummy from Kindermusik that thankfully no fever yet. And I think I said it too soon. Or that Alexius is the pang tan type cos on Friday evening, we noticed him to be running a fever after dinner time. Hmm...
Think I shouldn't talk too much about his teething yet in case he pang tan again...
I was just talking to a mummy from Kindermusik that thankfully no fever yet. And I think I said it too soon. Or that Alexius is the pang tan type cos on Friday evening, we noticed him to be running a fever after dinner time. Hmm...
Think I shouldn't talk too much about his teething yet in case he pang tan again...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Suicide Window
I remember when I was in NPCC, there was this obstacle course that we have to do during every training camp. One of the 'station' of the OC is the Suicide Window... which I hated to do. Why? Cos we have to stand on a pole... and there will be another pole around chest level. And we have to push our body above the chest-level pole and then flip our body over. I always find this very scary.
Anyway, on Tuesday, when I reached home from work, mum informed that Alexius fell off his playpen... she didn't see how he did it but Gaby was there in the room and he saw how Alexius fell off the playpen and landed on the floor. By the time mum heard the crying and went into the room, Alexius was already on the floor. From what Gaby described, Alexius must have did the suicide-window stunt and fell off playpen. But he is not strong enough to use his arms to puch his body up, he must have tried to climb over it... but the technique may be similar to the SW cos there wasn't any injury found on him. Somehow or rather, he must have used the SW technique to break the fall.
Anyway, we have to be very careful about leaving him unattended in his playpen...
Anyway, on Tuesday, when I reached home from work, mum informed that Alexius fell off his playpen... she didn't see how he did it but Gaby was there in the room and he saw how Alexius fell off the playpen and landed on the floor. By the time mum heard the crying and went into the room, Alexius was already on the floor. From what Gaby described, Alexius must have did the suicide-window stunt and fell off playpen. But he is not strong enough to use his arms to puch his body up, he must have tried to climb over it... but the technique may be similar to the SW cos there wasn't any injury found on him. Somehow or rather, he must have used the SW technique to break the fall.
Anyway, we have to be very careful about leaving him unattended in his playpen...
Boys will be boys
Some how or rather, Alexius likes to make noise rather then talk. It's not the "bang" sound that's interesting. Its the way he makes it... he kind of roll the sides of his tongue when he makes this "bang".
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I have been suspecting that my new pair of C&K slippers have been stolen last week. It was a new pair that I bought about 3 weeks ago. I remembered that I left them in front of the door when I went into the house. Urgh! Now I don't dare to leave my nice new shoes on the floor... better have them kept in the cupboards.
So last evening, when I was at the door talking to Timmy's mum about my lost slippers, she told me that they have experienced missing shoes too! And after that I quickly kept most of my slippers into the cupboards. When I was doing so, Gaby came and told me that this new pair of slippers is very pretty and that I should keep them properly.

This morning when we were getting ready to leave the house and I took out another pair of shoes to wear, Gaby came and took out this pair of slippers and insisted that I will look nice in this pair of pretty slippers!
So last evening, when I was at the door talking to Timmy's mum about my lost slippers, she told me that they have experienced missing shoes too! And after that I quickly kept most of my slippers into the cupboards. When I was doing so, Gaby came and told me that this new pair of slippers is very pretty and that I should keep them properly.

This morning when we were getting ready to leave the house and I took out another pair of shoes to wear, Gaby came and took out this pair of slippers and insisted that I will look nice in this pair of pretty slippers!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Fire Engine Project

Remember this newspaper helicopter that I made for Gaby in Nov? Well, after this little 'project', he has been nagging me to make him a fire engine. I have been putting it off cos I really dun know how I could use old newspaper to make one. But being Gaby, he never get over it until I make one for him. Once every couple of weeks when he is too bored at home, he'll ask me to make one. And I will think of some excuse to turn him down.
On Friday evening, we went to nai nai's place for dinner. And after dinner, he was doing some drawings and colouring with his fav cousin, Ding Zher. After drawing on some pieces of papers that was given to him, he suddenly turned to me... and ask me to use the used papers to make a fire engine. Since I have already put Alexius to bed and since I have extra help from Zher, I thought it should be easy and fast... and there is also Mr Lee to help out.
So we started cutting and stapling the papers together. Zher rendered some great help here and there. Mr Lee oso tried to help with getting the wheels on the fire engine but turned out the wheels that he attached were a bit wobbly. So I thought of another way to do it... Actually 95% of the project is done by me... Gaby also helped with going around the house to look for tapes and asking Gu Ma for staples. He also helped with cleaning up. In the end this is our hard work!

Gaby kept saying that this is his favourite fire engine and he treated it like it's so precious... doesn't let Alexius touch it when we brought it home. And while we were in the car on the way home, he wants to know in details how I did the blinker.
I think our next project will be a car cos Gaby has already told me that next time we will make a car from the papers. I better start to think how I can do it!
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