Remember this newspaper helicopter that I made for Gaby in Nov? Well, after this little 'project', he has been nagging me to make him a fire engine. I have been putting it off cos I really dun know how I could use old newspaper to make one. But being Gaby, he never get over it until I make one for him. Once every couple of weeks when he is too bored at home, he'll ask me to make one. And I will think of some excuse to turn him down.
On Friday evening, we went to nai nai's place for dinner. And after dinner, he was doing some drawings and colouring with his fav cousin, Ding Zher. After drawing on some pieces of papers that was given to him, he suddenly turned to me... and ask me to use the used papers to make a fire engine. Since I have already put Alexius to bed and since I have extra help from Zher, I thought it should be easy and fast... and there is also Mr Lee to help out.
So we started cutting and stapling the papers together. Zher rendered some great help here and there. Mr Lee oso tried to help with getting the wheels on the fire engine but turned out the wheels that he attached were a bit wobbly. So I thought of another way to do it... Actually 95% of the project is done by me... Gaby also helped with going around the house to look for tapes and asking Gu Ma for staples. He also helped with cleaning up. In the end this is our hard work!

Gaby kept saying that this is his favourite fire engine and he treated it like it's so precious... doesn't let Alexius touch it when we brought it home. And while we were in the car on the way home, he wants to know in details how I did the blinker.
I think our next project will be a car cos Gaby has already told me that next time we will make a car from the papers. I better start to think how I can do it!
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