We have 3 terrapins... Gaby named them - the large one is Lemon, medium one is Apple and the small one is Strawberry. We have been keeping them for almost 2 years now. Previously it was Lemon that had tried running away from home. The last attempt was about 2 weeks ago. I found him wandering in our living room. I have been thinking of getting a big tank for the 3 of them cos the one that Lemon was staying is too small and to shallow. He has managed many times to get out of it. Anyway, to cut the story short, I got a new tank last week and have transferred all three into the same tank. So, hoping that there won't be anymore runaway incidents. Haizzz...
My neighbour came knocking at my door just now. She found Apple in front of the lift. Checked with both Gaby and Nika and they were not the ones that took Apple out. So the biggest culprit would be Alexius... I hope. Else how would Apple managed to get his way out of the tank??
I wonder how he managed to sneak out of the house?? What has Lemon been telling him about the world outside their tank?

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