Gaby came home from the playground crying with swollen upper lip yesterday. Jon has pushed him and caused him to "kiss" the floor and ended with a red fat swollen upper lip. My poor sugar lump started to cry when he saw me. I wanted very much to give him some kisses on his painful lips but can't becos of my cold. So all I can provide is some hugs and let him sit on my lap and tell me what has happened.
It looked really swelled up yesterday. When he tried to do "Eeee", I can't see his upper row of teeth. Was a little worried that his 2 front teeth are shaky but thank goodness, they are fine now and he hasn't complain of any pain after last nite.
Mr Lee told me that after the accident, he has made Gab gaggle his mouth with some water to get rid of the blood. Jon and his dad came over to say sorry. Then Gaby cried again and said that "mummy will be upset that I fell down". My little boy sure knows me well. Of cos I will be upset la... but heart pain would be the right word.
When I was showering him in the bathroom, he told me that Jerry was very upset and was crying becos he saw him fell down. So I told Gaby that both him and Jerry should stop being upset cos the fall wasn't that bad. If it's that bad, then we'll all have to go to the hospital already. Then after showering Gaby, I went to get ready Alexius porridge. While I was in the kitchen, Gaby came to me crying again... he was worried that he couldn't be a fireman cos he also hurt his hand. So I tried to console him by saying that the pain will go away soon and when the pain is gone, he can be a fireman. While walking out of the kitchen, he suddenly turned to me and said that he can be a fireman cos he can still move his fingers... and then he stick his middle finger up and showed me! ya... ya... ya... Gaby, you can be a fireman... no worries.
During dinner, Mr Lee asked Gaby is he would still want to play with Jon. And I was quite surprised with Gaby's reply "yes dad, I will still play with Jon. Mrs Rajan said that we have to like everybody." (Mrs Rajan is his teacher) So Mr Lee told him that in future when he notice that Jon is about to flare up, just avoid him and move to another place.
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