Gaby has always play pretend with his stuff toys. He'll engage in converstaions with them or role play with them. I read from some parenting magazines that this is a normal phase some kids go through. Sometimes he'll rope me in and I will just play along with him. But these few days, his play pretend is getting more serious... but serious in a nice cute way.... that's how i feel la. And I think it's quite normal...
His new imaginary friend is Jerry the little mousey from Tom and Jerry. It started with him 'falling in love' with the book "Tom & Jerry : Friends to the End". He likes this book sooo much that we have to read it every night before bedtime. Or whenever he feels like reading, he'll pick this book. Then over the weekends, I was stuck at home with the kids. And Gaby was a little restless so I thought perhaps I can find the Tom and Jerry cartoon on youtube to keep him entertain for a while.
I did find the same title on youtube and he was really happy watching it! It did cross my mind that I will be able to find T&J cartoons on youtube. But I worry that after watching the cartoons, Gaby may not want to read the book anymore. And I really want him to have a good reading habit. So thank goodness that even after watching the cartoon on youtube, he still want to read the book before bedtime.
Anyway, now is Jerry this Jerry that... Mum, Jerry is in my pocket now... Mum, Jerry is sitting on my hand now... Mum, Jerry is sitting on my lap now (when we are in the car), Mum, wait, let me put Jerry down on the floor before I go pee pee... Mum, can Jerry come to nai nai house with us? Jerry, what are you laughing at? Mum, you are about to sit on Jerry... Mum, can you move a bit to your left so that there is enough space for Jerry? And he'll talk behind my back and then tell me that it was Jerry talking to me and not him. Jerry never leave his side these days. They eat, sleep, shower, play and even goes to school together. He told me that he likes Jerry becos Jerry is so cute!
Oops! Sorry Jerry, did I accidentally pushed you off my desk? Thought you went to school with Gaby?
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