Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Teething... painful!
I really hope that whatever causes Alexius to be so cranky is due to his teething. And I really hope that it's 8 and not 6 so that I dun have to go through this again. It used to be less then 15 minutes for him to finish his porridge and now it takes about half hour or more. Yesterday's dinner took him about an hour to finish. Milk feeding is also a pain... for him and for me. Urgh!!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Notti Alexius

Zher gave me one of his old t-shirt and said that its for Gaby. It's a cute t-shirt so last nite I tried to get him to try it on to see if it fits him. When I took out the shirt, Alexius came towards me and stick his head closed to the shirt... kind of indicating to me that he wants to put it on. So I put in on him and he refused to take it off after that.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
8 or 6?
Did a check on Alexius mouth on Friday and found that he has at least 6 new teeth coming out. out of which 2 are top molars... and I can already see some whites on the gums. 2 more from the top, 2 from the bottom. And it looks like 2 bottom molars are coming too... so it's either 6 or 8 teeth at one go.
I was just talking to a mummy from Kindermusik that thankfully no fever yet. And I think I said it too soon. Or that Alexius is the pang tan type cos on Friday evening, we noticed him to be running a fever after dinner time. Hmm...
Think I shouldn't talk too much about his teething yet in case he pang tan again...
I was just talking to a mummy from Kindermusik that thankfully no fever yet. And I think I said it too soon. Or that Alexius is the pang tan type cos on Friday evening, we noticed him to be running a fever after dinner time. Hmm...
Think I shouldn't talk too much about his teething yet in case he pang tan again...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Suicide Window
I remember when I was in NPCC, there was this obstacle course that we have to do during every training camp. One of the 'station' of the OC is the Suicide Window... which I hated to do. Why? Cos we have to stand on a pole... and there will be another pole around chest level. And we have to push our body above the chest-level pole and then flip our body over. I always find this very scary.
Anyway, on Tuesday, when I reached home from work, mum informed that Alexius fell off his playpen... she didn't see how he did it but Gaby was there in the room and he saw how Alexius fell off the playpen and landed on the floor. By the time mum heard the crying and went into the room, Alexius was already on the floor. From what Gaby described, Alexius must have did the suicide-window stunt and fell off playpen. But he is not strong enough to use his arms to puch his body up, he must have tried to climb over it... but the technique may be similar to the SW cos there wasn't any injury found on him. Somehow or rather, he must have used the SW technique to break the fall.
Anyway, we have to be very careful about leaving him unattended in his playpen...
Anyway, on Tuesday, when I reached home from work, mum informed that Alexius fell off his playpen... she didn't see how he did it but Gaby was there in the room and he saw how Alexius fell off the playpen and landed on the floor. By the time mum heard the crying and went into the room, Alexius was already on the floor. From what Gaby described, Alexius must have did the suicide-window stunt and fell off playpen. But he is not strong enough to use his arms to puch his body up, he must have tried to climb over it... but the technique may be similar to the SW cos there wasn't any injury found on him. Somehow or rather, he must have used the SW technique to break the fall.
Anyway, we have to be very careful about leaving him unattended in his playpen...
Boys will be boys
Some how or rather, Alexius likes to make noise rather then talk. It's not the "bang" sound that's interesting. Its the way he makes it... he kind of roll the sides of his tongue when he makes this "bang".
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I have been suspecting that my new pair of C&K slippers have been stolen last week. It was a new pair that I bought about 3 weeks ago. I remembered that I left them in front of the door when I went into the house. Urgh! Now I don't dare to leave my nice new shoes on the floor... better have them kept in the cupboards.
So last evening, when I was at the door talking to Timmy's mum about my lost slippers, she told me that they have experienced missing shoes too! And after that I quickly kept most of my slippers into the cupboards. When I was doing so, Gaby came and told me that this new pair of slippers is very pretty and that I should keep them properly.

This morning when we were getting ready to leave the house and I took out another pair of shoes to wear, Gaby came and took out this pair of slippers and insisted that I will look nice in this pair of pretty slippers!
So last evening, when I was at the door talking to Timmy's mum about my lost slippers, she told me that they have experienced missing shoes too! And after that I quickly kept most of my slippers into the cupboards. When I was doing so, Gaby came and told me that this new pair of slippers is very pretty and that I should keep them properly.

This morning when we were getting ready to leave the house and I took out another pair of shoes to wear, Gaby came and took out this pair of slippers and insisted that I will look nice in this pair of pretty slippers!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Fire Engine Project

Remember this newspaper helicopter that I made for Gaby in Nov? Well, after this little 'project', he has been nagging me to make him a fire engine. I have been putting it off cos I really dun know how I could use old newspaper to make one. But being Gaby, he never get over it until I make one for him. Once every couple of weeks when he is too bored at home, he'll ask me to make one. And I will think of some excuse to turn him down.
On Friday evening, we went to nai nai's place for dinner. And after dinner, he was doing some drawings and colouring with his fav cousin, Ding Zher. After drawing on some pieces of papers that was given to him, he suddenly turned to me... and ask me to use the used papers to make a fire engine. Since I have already put Alexius to bed and since I have extra help from Zher, I thought it should be easy and fast... and there is also Mr Lee to help out.
So we started cutting and stapling the papers together. Zher rendered some great help here and there. Mr Lee oso tried to help with getting the wheels on the fire engine but turned out the wheels that he attached were a bit wobbly. So I thought of another way to do it... Actually 95% of the project is done by me... Gaby also helped with going around the house to look for tapes and asking Gu Ma for staples. He also helped with cleaning up. In the end this is our hard work!

Gaby kept saying that this is his favourite fire engine and he treated it like it's so precious... doesn't let Alexius touch it when we brought it home. And while we were in the car on the way home, he wants to know in details how I did the blinker.
I think our next project will be a car cos Gaby has already told me that next time we will make a car from the papers. I better start to think how I can do it!
Friday, April 17, 2009
And the problem could really be he is teething..
Source :
Teething (or "cutting teeth") often causes discomfort, restlessness and irritability. As the roots of the teeth grow, they push the edges of the teeth through the gums. The effects are usually most dramatic with the first teeth, because the sensation is new to the baby, and with molars, due to their large size.
Signs of teething include:
Increased fussiness, night-time crying and "clingy" behaviour.
Excessive dribbling.
Chewing on fingers, teething rings, and other objects.
Swollen, red, inflamed gums.
Increased demand in breast or bottle-feeding.
Rejection of breast or bottle because sucking hurts gums.
Poor appetite.
Interrupted sleep.
Suggestions for alleviating some of the pain your baby may experience whilst teething:
When dribbling is excessive, give your baby plenty of water or diluted juice to replenish fluids.
For babies older than four months try a baby teething gel spread across the gums.
Try distracting your baby with plenty of hugs or something to play with. Alternatively provide a change of scenery to distract from the pain.
In some instances your doctor may recommend infant pain relievers like paracetamol or ibuprofen. Follow your doctor's direction and never give a baby aspirin.
Never apply alcohol in any form to baby's gums. For babies alcohol can be a dangerous poison.
I hope Alexius current 'behaviour' is due to teething... just have to wait and see if this behaviour will be gone once the teeth is out.
Teething (or "cutting teeth") often causes discomfort, restlessness and irritability. As the roots of the teeth grow, they push the edges of the teeth through the gums. The effects are usually most dramatic with the first teeth, because the sensation is new to the baby, and with molars, due to their large size.
Signs of teething include:
Increased fussiness, night-time crying and "clingy" behaviour.
Excessive dribbling.
Chewing on fingers, teething rings, and other objects.
Swollen, red, inflamed gums.
Increased demand in breast or bottle-feeding.
Rejection of breast or bottle because sucking hurts gums.
Poor appetite.
Interrupted sleep.
Suggestions for alleviating some of the pain your baby may experience whilst teething:
When dribbling is excessive, give your baby plenty of water or diluted juice to replenish fluids.
For babies older than four months try a baby teething gel spread across the gums.
Try distracting your baby with plenty of hugs or something to play with. Alternatively provide a change of scenery to distract from the pain.
In some instances your doctor may recommend infant pain relievers like paracetamol or ibuprofen. Follow your doctor's direction and never give a baby aspirin.
Never apply alcohol in any form to baby's gums. For babies alcohol can be a dangerous poison.
I hope Alexius current 'behaviour' is due to teething... just have to wait and see if this behaviour will be gone once the teeth is out.

I think about 3 weeks ago, Alexius has became very difficult at milk feeding times. He'll either struggles and then refused the feed half thru' feeding or he'll just bite the teat of the bottle and then not continue drinking. I am really at my wits end with him. Now I really hate milk feeding time with him. Not really sure what is the reason or are the reasons to this irritating behaviour... could it be that his concentration span is short? He doesn't like the taste of the formula milk that i mixed with the breastmilk? Or teething? Yes, I checked his mouth and found that there are 2 white spots on his gums where the big hind teeth supposed to be. I hope it is really due to teethning... Urgh!
There have been a couple of occassion when I really couldn't control my anger and frustration. And these episodes really made me so down that i think i am either going crazy or my blood pressure is hitting high on the scale. Not only it upsets me, it has also frightened my poor darling Gaby...
I really would want to control my emotions but really, sometimes it's just uncontrollable. Where can I get help??? What kind of help can I get? I really need it... I hate the feeling of being angry... And this made me unable to enjoy my time with the kids... Why is it that I am always left with doing all the shitty work and solving all the problems and the rest enjoys the fun of it?? I guess this is what motherhood is all about...
My darling Gaby and Alexius... sorry if there are times when mummy seem to be crazy... I will think of a way to make things better...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Sweet Memories
This was taken very long time ago. I think Gaby was around 20 months old then. Although the vid is a bit blurred but i could still remember that he was enjoying himself in the shop. And that he was able to 'talk properly and quite clearly'.
We used to visit the shop when we were still staying at the old place. Firstly, the shop owners ie my friends la, are very friendly! Secondly, the shop is airconditioned so we whenever we are down for a walk, we'll go in and 'enjoy' the aircon for a bit and chit chat with my friends C and A. Thirdly, they have 2 very cute and lovely dogs! oh, I miss the doggies so much! Oh dear! On hind thoughts, I wonder if my friends have found us a nuisance disturbing them all the time!
We used to visit the shop when we were still staying at the old place. Firstly, the shop owners ie my friends la, are very friendly! Secondly, the shop is airconditioned so we whenever we are down for a walk, we'll go in and 'enjoy' the aircon for a bit and chit chat with my friends C and A. Thirdly, they have 2 very cute and lovely dogs! oh, I miss the doggies so much! Oh dear! On hind thoughts, I wonder if my friends have found us a nuisance disturbing them all the time!
This clip was taken some weeks ago... he is more accurate in the signs now...
Here's another update on Alexius. He still doesn't want to 'talk' much. But he is able to say "ma ma" whenever he sees me or whenever he wants me. So I think dun have to teach him to sign *ma ma*.
But these days, he is able to sign better. *thank you*, *please*, *eat*, *more*, *milk* and *bye bye*. Yesterday I tried *water* with him but i think it'll be too difficult for him for now... So perhaps I will teach him *drink* instead.
Although he doesn't know the right sign for telephone, but he will put his fist over his ear whenever he mean telephone. Few days ago, I left him in his cot and my phone on my bed and went into the kitchen to get my pump funnel. When I went back into the room, he was putting his fist over his ear and looking at me. I didn't know what he meant, thinking that he wanted to play with my phone. When I settled down to get ready to pump my milk, I took a look at my phone and realised that there was a missed call. Then I realised that Alexius was trying to tell me that my phone has been ringing when I was out of the room!
Also, i think i better teach him *sorry* soon cos it's not fair that Gaby has to say sorry all the time to Alexius and give in to him. It's time that Alexius should learn how to say sorry when he does something wrong.
Gaby on the other hand seems to get quite interested in signing again. Last nite he came to me and signed pain and then pointed to his head. So I asked him why is his head painful. And he told me that he bumped his head while trying to take his bolster. Anyway, he has refreshed his memory on those signs that we taught him before and he is also trying to teach them to Alexius.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
What's for dinner?
All this while, Gaby has always rejected vegetable and meat. I always wonder when will he be able to eat his meal like grown up kids...
2 weeks ago lor! We were are Nai Nai's place for dinner and I brought along his pre cooked dish - carrot, brocolli stem n spinach fried egg and a piece of fish meat... one dish meal for him since he is always so picky with food. But during dinner, he refused to eat the stuff that i brought along and insisted on eating the food on the table. Said he'll also eat the vegetables but requested I cut them into smaller bites.
So since then, I don't have to get Reda to prepare a seperate dish for him. Just have to make sure that she steam some carrots and a slice of fish and he'll eat whatever that will be served at dinner time!
2 weeks ago lor! We were are Nai Nai's place for dinner and I brought along his pre cooked dish - carrot, brocolli stem n spinach fried egg and a piece of fish meat... one dish meal for him since he is always so picky with food. But during dinner, he refused to eat the stuff that i brought along and insisted on eating the food on the table. Said he'll also eat the vegetables but requested I cut them into smaller bites.
So since then, I don't have to get Reda to prepare a seperate dish for him. Just have to make sure that she steam some carrots and a slice of fish and he'll eat whatever that will be served at dinner time!
Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Hello! Don't you recognise me?
I bumped into my sec sch classmate just now when i went to ta pau lunch... Soooooo happy! Now we are tallking about getting those that we are still in touch to meet up!
Jerry... are you ok? Pal?

Gaby has always play pretend with his stuff toys. He'll engage in converstaions with them or role play with them. I read from some parenting magazines that this is a normal phase some kids go through. Sometimes he'll rope me in and I will just play along with him. But these few days, his play pretend is getting more serious... but serious in a nice cute way.... that's how i feel la. And I think it's quite normal...
His new imaginary friend is Jerry the little mousey from Tom and Jerry. It started with him 'falling in love' with the book "Tom & Jerry : Friends to the End". He likes this book sooo much that we have to read it every night before bedtime. Or whenever he feels like reading, he'll pick this book. Then over the weekends, I was stuck at home with the kids. And Gaby was a little restless so I thought perhaps I can find the Tom and Jerry cartoon on youtube to keep him entertain for a while.
I did find the same title on youtube and he was really happy watching it! It did cross my mind that I will be able to find T&J cartoons on youtube. But I worry that after watching the cartoons, Gaby may not want to read the book anymore. And I really want him to have a good reading habit. So thank goodness that even after watching the cartoon on youtube, he still want to read the book before bedtime.
Anyway, now is Jerry this Jerry that... Mum, Jerry is in my pocket now... Mum, Jerry is sitting on my hand now... Mum, Jerry is sitting on my lap now (when we are in the car), Mum, wait, let me put Jerry down on the floor before I go pee pee... Mum, can Jerry come to nai nai house with us? Jerry, what are you laughing at? Mum, you are about to sit on Jerry... Mum, can you move a bit to your left so that there is enough space for Jerry? And he'll talk behind my back and then tell me that it was Jerry talking to me and not him. Jerry never leave his side these days. They eat, sleep, shower, play and even goes to school together. He told me that he likes Jerry becos Jerry is so cute!
Oops! Sorry Jerry, did I accidentally pushed you off my desk? Thought you went to school with Gaby?
Itchy ear no more

I have noticed that there were some ear wax inside Alexius ears sometime ago. But it was impossible to get them out then cos he was very fidgety whenever I tried to take a closer look at his ears or when i touched them. So I thought perhaps just leave them alone and probably the wax will fall out sometime later on its own.
But it has been really annoying to see him trying to dig it all time. And in the process of it, bruised himself. So on Saturday, I just picked him up and lay him down on my lap with his right ear facing me and as I did this, I told him that mummy wants to take a look at your ears. To my surprise, he was laid very still and let me touched and looked into his ears. I cold see the wax near to the 'entrance' of is ear. Boon has suggested using a cotton bud the night before but i told him that if I use a cotton bud, it'll push the wax further into the ear. So i took out this little plastic tweezer with a rounded tip and try to 'kiap' it out. It wasn't that difficult to 'kiap'... but to my horror! the wax was almost the size of a raisin! Then I did the same with his left ear and the wa from this ear is as big as the one from the right!
I guess it was really very irritating when such a big sized wax is stuck in the ears... both EARS! Now Alexius, CAN YOU HEAR MUMMY LOUD AND CLEAR???
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