Yesterday I got to work in the afternoon cos got to attend a tele-conference with boss in the late afternoon. So I missed dinner with the family.
When I was in the MRT, I received a call from Mr Lee. He informed that Gaby wants me to bathe him. So I told Mr Lee not to tell Gaby that I am on the way home cos he may want to wait for me to reached home then have his dinner.
When I reached home, the first thing that Gaby told me was "妈妈,我miss你叻!" I felt so bad not being home for dinner with him :(
Gaby is such a sensitive and mature boy. My SMALL FAN never says I miss you ;( and didn't even response when I ask him if he loves mummy:(
We start telling him that we love him when he's very young. And oso we have taught him to say "i love you' when he started to talk. I dun think he really understands it in the begining. and now, we make it a point to say i love you to each another in the morning, after we say bye bye in school, when i see him in the afternoon after work and also after we say good nite. and any other time when we hug each other. but i think he understands the meaning of i love u cos when Mr Lee makes him angry, he'll tell me that he dun love dad dad anymore!
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