Monday, June 29, 2009

Breast milk not enough...

Spoke to Dr P on Saturday and understand from him that at 18 months old, breast milk is not enough for Alexius. Have to supplement with some formula milk cos there may not be sufficient iron in breast milk. But it is so much easier to give Alexius breast milk...

Anyway, I have started to give him one more formula feed in the afternoon on top of the one that he drinks in the morning.


Boringtazz said...

Wa...I really admire you, can still pump for so long. When you intend to stop breastfeeding?

Rise and Shine said...

dun know leh... but my supply has gone down quite a bit these days.

Boringtazz said...

My also, as I didn't pump out, dunno whether still have. But my little girl sucking happily...

Rise and Shine said...

got demand then got supply mah... if she is still sucking that means still producing lor.