The past few days Alexius has been waking up twice in the middle of the night! His last feed has always been around 11+pm. That's when I have done my last milk pump and will give him the milk that I expressed. Fresh milk. Then normally, he'll sleep thru' till around 5 or 6 am for another feed. But the past few days, he has been waking up around 2am crying his lungs out. Initially we did not suspect that he's hungry. But no matter how hard we try, there is not way to get him back to sleep. Rock him in our arms la, rub oil on his tummy la, use the ang huay leaves water to clean him la, sing to him la... all no use! So last resort is to give him the bottle. And he went back to sleep straight after the feed. Then at around 5am, he wakes up again and cries for another feed! There goes my 'beauty sleep'!
I am suspecting that maybe I should start introducing him to 'dinner'. Perhaps the last milk feed (about 180-200ml of mum's milk + formula) is not enough for him to last thru' the nite. But at wat time should I let him eat his dinner? He normally goes to bed at 8pm? Urgh! Got to 're-do' his schedule... Let me think...
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