Thought Mr Lee didn't snap a pic of this...
Finally! Gaby has finally poo poo in the potty today. How did we managed to get him to do it? Well, he finished the last piece of diaper last nite. And this morning, we showed him the emptied plastic bag and told him that we haven't bought any more diapers for him. So if he has to poo, he has to sit on the potty. So bo pian, this afternoon, he pooed one little poo poo in the potty. But I wasn't home to witness this moment.
Just before bedtime, he told me that he need to go poo poo. So again no choice, he has to sit on the potty again. And this time round, it was a bigger poo poo. And he was so pleased with it that he showed Mr Lee and told Mr Lee that he wants a present for going to the potty.
Tonite is our first nite for Gaby going diaperless. But we have made preventive and backup measures. I laid 2 thick towels under his bedsheets. And also, I have another mattress on standby if he wet the current one. I have also set my alarm clock at 3am to wake him up to go pee pee.
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