I think this is the most chubby moment of Gaby. And I miss it sooooooo much.
He's appetite hasn't been great lately again. Wonder what's wrong with him? But other then this, he is still active and talkative.
Don't know why but I suddenly has this urge to just quit my job and be a stay home mum lke boringtazzz. I suddenly feel very guilty. I feel that it's my fault that Gaby hasn't regain his appetite since after fever many weeks ago. I feel guilty that i am such a lazy person. I feel guilty that no one at home is able to coax him to sit at the dinning table for lunch. I feel guilty that I am sleepy all the time when I'm at home...
Hi gal, think the appetite thing is a a passing phase, been reading up on toddler parenting and most book says kids at that stage only like peanut butter sandwich and eat very little. Their appetite will improve as they get older. So we just have to bear with it and hopefully, this phase will pass soon.
But it realy breaks my heart to see that he lost so much weight...
Ya, you are right about the passing phase. I guess sometimes it's the people around us, especially the grandparents, that has caused such stress about his eating habits. Sometimes I'm quite fine with him not able to finish his meals. But my parents will be nagging at him about his unfinished meals... and that he is not a good boy for not finishing his meals... and that he has made the gong gong unhappy...
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