Don't know why the date setting seems to be wrong. It is Monday, 21st Apr, 9.22am now... Anyway, I am looking forward to a good week.
A recap on what happened from after the Sentoda trip to now...
When I reached home on Friday evening, I asked Gaby if he has enjoyed his trip to Sentosa and his reply is "YES". And he asked if he can go again to look at the butterflies. I am actually quite surprised that he remembered the stuf that we saw there. Thought he wasn't paying any attention to them! So at least he had a good day despite mummy's misery.
Saturday was quite ok although we didn't have a good start. Boon wasn't working that day. So in the morning, we decided to go for breakfast at the market. Saw Gaby downstairs while on the way to the market. He wanted to follow so we said ok on the condition that he walks and not mummy carry. But just as we were about to cross the road, he wants me to carry. So both Boon and myself decided to bring him back home and told him that if he wants to be carried, then he stay home. So we left him home with gong gong and Reda. He was crying really loud when we were getting into the lift. I can still hear his cries when we were downstairs... I am really heart broken :( But when returned home after market, he was happily playing with gong gong in his room! Told us that he wanted ah mah, gong gong and kar kar to carry but all dun want to carry him. After that, the whole day, he didn't ask me to carry him liao... just want to hold hands with me and also hug hug on my bed.
Sunday was a sun day... Gaby was happy almost the whole day! Drank all his milk, ate a bit of lunch and finished the bowl of rice I gave him during dinner by himself! He was so proud of this that he even told his friend Jonathan this morning when we went to school together!
So it seems that the situation with Gaby is getting better, I hope with my fingers and toes crossed! Last few days I am always looking forward to the end of the day because that's when Gaby will be sleeping and that's when I feel less stressed out.
So let's hope that this week will turn out fine for both Gaby and myself!