This was what I have written on my last day at the old office...
Today is the BIG day… office moving day. Should I say today is the last day at the old office or the new day at the new office?? I’m actually feeling a little mixed feeling. Part of me is looking forward to starting work in the new office environment but part of me do feel very sad that I am leaving this place… for good?
I started working around Raffles Place area since 1992, gosh! That’s how many donkeys years ago! In between I did join other companies for a couple of years… I think I was just out of RP around 1997 to 2000… about 3 years only. Thereafter, from year 2000 I think I have been in this area. I really like this place. The hawker food is cheap and nice and there are also many shops around here to shop when I want to skive! Hehehe!
Back to my ‘history’ here… and out of the many years working in RP, I have been working in this same office building for around 8 years! 8 lovely years!!! Now that I am calculating the numbers of years here, wow! 8 years! Can’t believe how time flies! I think this office building is my 旺地… lucky land… I have the most wonderful working memories here with my previous boss and colleagues before I went on a almost 1 year break after having Gaby. Then after that it’s back to this building with my current employer. Also, some of my ex-colleagues once told me that perhaps it was the ‘lucky air’ in this building that helps with me conceiving both Gaby and Alexius. I don’t know much about the fengshui being at my advantage in this building but I really like this office building. One very important factor is that the ladies toilets here are very clean and spacious! And also the view that both offices (previous employer and current employer) facing the Singapore River unblocked!
As I am typing away on my lappie, the workers are moving the boxes. I can feel that my time here in this office is slowly running out.
I had just finished pumping milk in my usual ‘nursing room’. It’s a nice room with half of it’s view facing the river. It’s very relaxing doing the pump in this room. I am not sure where I can do my milk pumping when we move to the new office. The last time we visited the place, I noticed that all the rooms are ‘open’ concept’. Instead of solid walls, they are see-through glass paneled walls. I hope they will change them into frosted ones during the renovation. Else I will have to use the tiny bathrooms instead!
The weather is starting to get a little gloomy now… I hope it’ll not rain cos I would like to take a few pics of the surroundings.
I think I will still come back to this area once in a while. My favourite doctor is still here and I will have to come back here to buy my glucosamine tablets from him.
Well, one good thing about moving off from here is that I will not have to pass by “THAT” building every morning anymore! Yipppeee! I really hate that feeling of my heart tugging whenever I passed by THAT building. I hate to be reminded of the INCIDENT everytime I passed by THAT building.
On 5th March, I went to the temple with Pat to ‘beat small people’. But in the end I didn’t ‘beat’ cos the old uncle in the temple advised that it’ll be do me good if I just pray for good luck and happiness and to let the small people off. 大人不计小人过. I don’t really know how many ‘small people’ are there in my life but there are 2 that I think are the ‘smallest people’ in my life. After going to the temple I went to get some stuff from Watson’s and on the way back to the office, I saw one of the ‘small people’. I don’t think she saw me… but looking at her and seeing that she seems to be having a good life now. It just makes me wonder again…. That could be my kind of good life if not for the INCIDENT. Guess I still feel a bit bit sour… Anyway, I just hope that once the office is at the new place, I will not bump into the small people and I will not have to drive pass THAT building anymore… at least less often… then perhaps the sourness will be gone soon.
The workers are gone, the place is so peaceful and quiet now. And I am doing my ‘milking’ again. One last time before leaving the office.
The last one to leave, please switch off all the lights… that’s me…