I have made an appointment 2 weeks ago for both Gaby and Alexius for injections today. But of cos i didnt tell Gaby that the purpose for the trip is for him to get a Hep A jab la... dun want to build up the fear in him... so i told him last nite that we have to bring didi for dr's check up and he can come along if he wants. I know he'll sure want to tack along as he like Dr Phuah a lot...
When we were at the clinic just now, I told the ladies at the counter not to mention that Gaby is getting a jab as well. Was worried that if he finds out then he may not want to enter the dr's room.
When we were in the room, I told dr that Gaby will go first as I dun want him to be affected by didi's crying when didi gets the jab. So dr was also very understanding. He pretends to do some body checks on Gaby first and talked to him to break the ice... then when he was preparing the jab, he kind of explains what he is doing to Gaby. I let Gaby sit on my lap with his pants half way down so that the injection can go onto his thigh. Dr kept telling Gaby that it will feel like a naughty mosquito bite... when he pokes the needle onto Gaby's thigh, I kind of use my hand to block his view of what dr is doing. I dun think the jab is that painful cos Gaby just said 'ouch' and then everything is over. And Gaby is back to playing with the dr's toys. Then it was Alexius' turn. As usual, he cried so loud. haiz...
Anyway, after we came out from the dr's room, we kept praising Gaby that he is a brave boy for not crying. But told him that didi cried becos he is still a baby. But Gaby is a big brave boy. Then he kept asking me why he needed the jab. So I told him that the jab is to make him a stronger boy. But i think the jab area does feel a little sore cos he kept touching his thigh area. But he din want us to think that he is weak so he din say anything.
Long before today, I have told everyone at home not to frighten Gaby about dr's visit and injection. Don't want him to associate going to the dr's with painful injections... Guess this helps!