My dear friend, Chuck, passed away on Monday... just when i was returning home from the hospital to rest after dropping Boon off for his elbow review, i received a call from Wen that Chuck in critial condition. If we want to say good bye to him we have to go to the hospital immediately.
I really don't understand LIFE...
Was really sad on Monday and Tuesday. Couldn't stop crying everytime I think of Chuck. But when I was at the wake, after listening to aunty relating to us on his last moments when he was home. I don't feel sad anymore. He has continued his next journey with a smile on his face... and he has gone somewhere without pain and worries... we will still meet again... i guess the feeling is not sad that i've lost a dear friend but just the feeling of missing someone.
I will always remember him when i log on to my msn. but of cos, i wouldn't see him online again.
Good bye my dear friend... till we meet again.